Chapter 12: There's something fishy going on.

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It has felt lonely since Ahsoka left the Jedi Order. I find myself wandering the temple feeling empty as I walked through the hallways. She was my friend and it hurt to let her leave but I would have been a bad friend if I stopped her from going.

With the council on edge from the confession Barriss made, I was given restrictions in what I could consume, and where I could go alone. Basically, I was never alone and Anakin decided to become my babysitter which is how I found out that Padma and him had been married. It broke the Jedi code but I didn't truly care since it wasn't effecting his fighting.

Anyway, Anakin stayed with me during the time I was asked to watch some of the Senate meetings because the council thought it would keep me busy but all it did was bore me. The meetings were so boring with them talking about the budget. Eventually, Anakin had to leave because he was called to battle since he was needed and I wasn't. Well, I was probably needed but I was more of a risk then a help. This left me to go to the meetings by myself which I did until one day when a message reached the council from Anakin. I had been preparing for the Senate meeting that was going to decide who would be heading to the Trade Federation to represent the Republic when a message that a meeting was being held at the temple and I was required to attend.

I quickly made my way to the communication room in the center of the temple, where I saw a frozen image of a clone trooper running from something as he pushed civilians out of his way. My eyes widen when I realize its Fives. I served with him on several battles over the past year and some months.

"Masters," I greet when I step into the room. Master Shaak Ti and Anakin were the only one truly in the room. Master Yoda, Master Windu, and Master Plo Koon were all present in the meeting by projection on a communicator. "I was told I needed to be present in this meeting?"

"Yes, Atlantia," Master Shaak Ti says, "There has been an assassination attempt on the Chancellor."

"By who?" I say before after realizing why the image was up, "Fives?"

"Unfortunately yes," Master Shaak Ti says, "Arc Trooper Fives feels he is the victim of a plot, Separatist or otherwise."

"But why?" I ask, "What happened for Fives to conclude there is a plot?"

"Master Tipler was murdered by Tup during the battle I was called away for." Anakin says grimly, "After some research, it was found that Tup's inhibitor chip malfunctioned most likely because of a virus. Fives believes, after taking out his own chip, that they are supposed to make the clones more dangerous instead of inhibiting the violence."

"All security and clone forces on Coruscant," Master Windu said bringing us back to the present, "have been ordered to join the manhunt. The Chancellor has been moved to his Senate quarters, and the perimeter has been secured. However, Jedi involvement has not been requested."

"That's a little...odd, isn't it?" I ask. From what I have seen, the Republic most of the time asks for the Jedi's help if they have not already provided it.

"Hmmm," Master Yoda said stepping forward, "Discover the truth we must. If there is a plot involving the clones, we must get to the bottom of it. We will investigate quietly, undercover. We must make sure this clone is not killed."

"I'll handle this investigation." Anakin says, "Fives was part of the 501st. If Rex, Atlantia, and I find him, he'll trust us especially Atlantia. Her ability to sniff out the truth, Fives would want that if he truly believes there is a Separatist Plot."

"Be wary. Since he removed his inhibitor chip, Fives may no longer be the man you once knew." Master Shaak Ti warned. Anakin grimaces but nods before beckoning for me to follow him. I do so but not before respectfully saying my goodbyes to the Masters in the room.

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