Chapter 38: I'm back with the Rebellion

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Pushing forward with my powers, I end up outside the transport but with the rope that was tethered around my waist, I am pulled on top of the transport as it continues to move. Steadying myself up there, I search for the first star destroyer with my powers. When I find it, I begin to summon enough power to form a power ball but before I could the transport rocks as TIE fighters begin to fire at it.

"Where are the fighters?" I shout into the comms as I grab the transport stabilizing myself.

"Right here, Atlantia." One of the fighters said as they flew over me. "You take care of the star destroyers and we'll take care of the fighters." I will only be able to take out two of them so that leaves one for the fighters but I don't know if they can take it out. However, I know that is something we can worry about once I destroy the first two destroyers so I called on my powers and held a power ball in between my hands. Sensing the destroyer, I lock onto the munition storage with all their weapons, torpedoes, and other explosives before sending the power ball toward it. Using my other powers to clear a path, I watch as the power ball flies through space toward the star destroyer before igniting the explosives. The star destroyer goes up in flames as I hear the cheers and excitement over my comms.

I smile as I steady myself for the next destroyer but the fighters decided to try to eliminate me since I was the most dangerous at the moment. Throwing up a shield, I protect myself and the transport as the fighters fly by firing their weapons. I felt the burn from the weapons as they hit my shield but I kept it up before they all flew by. Once they passed, I push the shield outward turning it into an electrified circle. The TIE fighters it hit disabled them allowing the Rebellion fighters to easily destroy them. With that danger over, I focused my attention on the second star destroyer. I felt I didn't have enough energy to create a power ball so I decided to try something different. Reaching out my hand, I searched for the energy radiating for the engines. Once I found it, I began to amplify it making the engines begin to overheat. As the officers on board began to initiate the procedures to try to stop it but I crushed their consuls preventing them from doing anything. Few minutes later, the star destroyer explodes sending an aftershock radiating out from it.

"Brace for impact!" I hear Leia yell over the comms. I grabbed the handle on the transport as the aftershock rocks the transport. It didn't do too much damage which was good but as I stared down the last star destroyer, I realized I had no powers to destroy it.

"I don't have enough energy to destroy the star destroyer!" I shout into the comms.

"We don't have any weapons that could destroy the star destroyer. We used our supply on the Death Star." A pilot informs me as he continues to destroy the fighters, "We can destroy the fighters but none of our weapons can penetrate the shields of the destroyer let alone destroy it." I sigh before I remember Luke.

"Luke," I call out. Once he responds I continue, "Reach out to me through the Force. I can use some of your energy to destroy the star destroyer." He doesn't respond but I could feel him trying to find me through the Force. I reached out as well and waited for him to be able to find me since he needed to reach out as well for me to be able to take his energy. A few seconds later, we connect and I draw on his energy to create a power ball. It still took everything in me to be able to do that because I didn't want to take too much energy from Luke since I was afraid of hurting him. Once I created the ball, I sent it flying toward the star destroyer just as the last TIE fighter was destroyed. Everyone watched as the power ball hits the star destroyer before the destroyer explodes in a fiery ball. I collapse on top of the ship feeling drained but I couldn't just fall asleep there since Rex pulled me in with the rope that was around my waist. He pulls off my oxygen mask before pulling me into his arms.

"I am so glad you are back on our side." Rex said grinning as he holds me against chest. I smiled as I rested my head against his chest relishing the fact that I could be held by him again. He was one of the last remnants of my Jedi family and I was glad to be back by his side as a sister by choice. Turning my head slightly, I make eye contact with Luke who didn't look like I drained energy from him

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