Chapter 34: Something is wrong

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"Rebels are cornered in sector B18." I hear over my comms as I finish disarming the last of the bombs that the rebels had placed. The rebels in this sector have been trying quite hard to destroy this factory but I would make sure that they wouldn't.

"Keep them there. I am on my way." I tell them before turning on my heels and gesturing for those troopers near me to follow. After I had given the confirmation to the rebels that the Empire had given me cordelia, I fell even deeper into my role as the personal assassin of the Emperor. The rebels didn't stand a chance with how badly the Cordelia was controlling me. And they especially didn't stand a chance after I felt Kanan's death through the force. It surprised me and I will admit it actually hurt me. Well, I say me but I mean the Atlantia that is buried deep inside me. She broke when she felt that death which made it easy for me to bury her deep inside of me using her heartache as weight. However, she was still strong enough to prevent me from telling Lord Vader anything about Luke and Obi Wan on Tatooine or Leia on Alderran.

Anyway, like I had said I was on my way to kill this group of rebels or most of them since I had orders to take one hostage as Emperor Palpatine is growing weary of the growing rebellion safe in their base. Atlantia is preventing me from telling the Empire where the base is because that was one of the first things I had tried to reveal and I literally cannot speak, write, or signal in any way where the base. As I stepped through the doors to sector B-18 which was the storage section for the walkers that were awaiting being shipped out, I could see the small group of rebels huddled behind a storage container as the stormtroopers were spread out throughout the room. Sighing, I use the Force to lift the storage container while shouting for the stormtroopers to eliminate everyone but the leader. She can be the Emperor's hostage that he requested since she must have the information he needs. The stormtroopers do as I ask and soon all but the leader is dead not that she didn't try to die with her comrades but the stormtroopers shot her with a stun before she could try to take her life. Gesturing to the stormtroopers to grab her, I watch as they grab her under her arms before turning on my heel and walking out of the room. Leading the prisoner behind me to the interrogation room, I feel a sense of giddiness as I know I will have a chance to torture the information out of her. Atlantia has the most wonderful arsenals of torture devices. It's just a pity that her morals prevented her from using them on a regular basis because they can be quite persuasive. However just as I was about to start the interrogation, I was called away by Lord Vader to join him on his ship. Apparently, Emperor Palpatine wanted him and I to stop some rebels that were trying to steal plans to the Death Star that was created.

After giving the interrogation over to one of the officers I trusted to get the job done, I quickly made my way to my shuttle before flying off to Lord Vader's location. The battle at Scarif base is already under way but Lord Vader and I will be there to clean up the mess. Once my shuttle landed in the hanger bay of the star destroyer, it jumped into hyperspace. When I step out of the shuttle, Lord Vader was waiting for me.

"You're late." He tells me which almost makes me roll my eyes.

"Late for something I just got called for?" I said raising my eyebrow.

"You should have been ready to be called. We were expecting an attack to discover information about the Death Star." He says turning around and walking toward the bridge.

"Well, sorry I was about to torture a rebel for information about their base. Thought that was more important considering that was Emperor Palpatine's job for me." I scoff following him. When we arrive on the bridge, the star destroyer dropped out of hyperspace just in time to stop the rebel retreat. Weapons were instantly fired as the small fleet of ships that was there trying to escape. The flag ship was targeted because that would be were the Death Star plans would be since we got word that it was transmitted. I was aware of the Death Star parked just above the planet and judging by the explosion on the surface, Moff Tarkin just destroyed the base killing the rebels and stormtroopers that were still alive down there.

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