Chapter 30: This was unexpected...

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Following Mon Mothma's and I's call to form the rebellion, many more cells joined the overall rebellion allowing for our army to slowly grow. Many actually joined because they had heard my voice over the broadcast. Apparently I was a symbol of strength and peace because of how much I fought to ensure that the Separatist's evilness ways were destroyed and that those who got hurt in the middle of the battle found food and shelter before leaving for another planet.

Eventually, we had to return to Atollon since the Empire would find us here if we stayed any longer. Mon Mothma became the official leader of the Rebellion but as much as Mon Mothma tried to drag me into the spotlight, I didn't wish to be there. While I was actively fighting out of the shadows and more in the spotlight, I didn't wish to be the face of the Rebellion since I am still a danger though I think one day I am going to use that to save the rebels one day if the vision I had when we were escorting Mon Mothma to the broadcast point was anything to go by. Mon Mothma sent the Ghost crew on many missions but I was often sent on missions with Rex since we worked well together. However I still see the Ghost crew since we had briefings every day before we were assigned missions. The briefings were mandatory for officers but excusable if you were on a mission of course.

There was one time though that I had some down time and was meditating on the edge of the docking area on base when Kanan, Hera, Ezra, Rex, and Sato approached me. I had felt their troubled minds plus a disturbance in the force.

"What happened?" I say not turning around to face them.

"Kanan said Ezra needed to speak to all of us." Hera explained. I nod still kneeling on the ground with my eyes closed. I felt too close to the Force to want to break the connection so I decided to stay connected and just listen to Ezra.

"I believe Maul is hunting Master Obi Wan and is actually really close to finding him." Ezra says. That statement surprised me.

"Why do you think this?" I ask trying to keep my voice calm.

"The holocrons called to me and I heard Maul screaming Master Obi Wan's name in anger." Ezra explains.

"So what do you think it means?" Hera says surprised.

Kanan sighed, "Ah, I couldn't really guess. Holocrons at times take on a life of their own but to what it means..."

"It means Master Kenobi could be alive and in danger right now." Ezra interrupted.

"Ezra, no one would like to believe General Kenobi's alive more than I would but Senator Organa confirmed his death." Rex said sighing.

"Maybe he was wrong." Ezra points out. I couldn't tell the Rebels that Obi Wan was alive because it would mean ruining the secrecy around Padma's twins' births so I told him,

"Ezra, I personally saw Kenobi die." I say which wasn't a lie. I have seen Kenobi die multiple times in my visions but that doesn't mean he is actually dead, "I would love to confirm that he is alive but I cannot." Also true since I don't actually completely know if he is alive on Tatooine.

"That doesn't explain why I heard Maul's voice." Ezra insisted.

"But you've heard it before." Kanan reminded him, "You've heard it before and it was just a trick. Maul was manipulating you."

"I want to go to Tatooine to check things out." Ezra says. My heart stops when I hear that because I could not allow for Ezra to drag Kenobi away from Luke but luckily Hera decided to put an end to Ezra's need to search for Kenobi by pulling him away from the group. As she does that, the rest of us continue to chat.

"Atlantia, you remember Kenobi's death?" Kanan asked checking with me.

"I never actually saw physically his death but I felt it with the rest of the Jedi during Order 66." I say which the men accept. Ezra reluctantly accepts that we couldn't risk sending a team over to check on Master Kenobi. However, I realized that he didn't really give up on finding Obi Wan when he steals a training ship and disappears toward Tatooine. Hera wanted to send a ship after him but I stopped her.

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