Chapter 21: Hiding isn't going so well.

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I grit my teeth as I wrap some bandages around my knee as I put it back in place. It's been a rough few months since I landed on Utapeu and I wasn't doing so well. The only source of food was from the Utaparuns but that meant that I had to sneak into their homes and hope there was not any clones there so they could give me some food. The clones tried to not hurt me but sometimes their stuns would hit me when I was climbing or hanging on the cliff and I would fall. Luckily, I wouldn't fall too far and the fall woke me enough to try to run so I was never captured but I do have some broken bones and bruises. My left arm was broken from when I fell from the top of the cliff to pretty close to the bottom. I also broke some ribs but I couldn't do anything to heal them since my healing power was shut down so I could get enough energy to shadow travel but I've gotten use to the pain so it hasn't bothered me in a while.

My latest injury was from a surprised visit from the clones. They had found where I had been hiding out and of course tried to subdue me to bring me to Emperor Palpatine but I was able to escape them. I don't know how I got away since it should have been easy for them to stop me since I had a broken arm, multiple broken ribs, bruises all over my body, and I hadn't eaten all day and the last time I ate, I barely had a few pieces of fruit since that's was all I could steal. I guess the only reason I escaped is I got lucky. I knew my way around the cave so I was able to duck into a small passage that the clones couldn't follow because I was much tinier than them. Now, I was just hiding in another cave but because I had to quickly swing up into the passage, I accidently twisted my knee as I maneuvered through the small passage.

I needed to escape this planet but I had heard from Cody that the other surrounding planets were also under surveillance and had clones patrolling the streets so I don't know where I am going to go. But I did know that I needed to leave this planet and hopefully jump onto a planet that allowed me to either steal or buy food much easier than this planet. Thus was the reason why I decided that today was going to be the day I shadow traveled to another planet.

To shadow travel, I had to venture out of the caves because the caves had no light so there were no shadows that I could use to jump. So, I had to pull my broken body out of the caves and make my way down the cliffs groaning from the pain in my ribs. Once I jumped and I was safe, I was going to heal myself when I had energy. Though I hoped this venture out would be easy, it was of course not. Pretty much as soon as I had taken the first shaky step down the cliff, a clone who spotted me began to shout. I took out my lightsaber and began to deflect the stuns as I made my way toward the closest shadow hoping I would make it. Just as I was about to jump, I hear Cody shout at me.

"Atlantia!" He calls at me but I ignore him knowing he would just attempt to persuade me to come with him and he will provide medical care. I ignored him and didn't answer him like last time was because although this wasn't the first time in the last few months he tried to convince me to surrender, this time I might have accepted. My whole body was broken and I so wanted the medical attention from an actual medical droid or doctor but I was stuck with having to have enough power to try to heal myself which has not happened because I need to escape from this planet.

Jumping into the shadows, I disappear from Utapeu and found myself on a very populated planet but I didn't recognize it. At least though, there were many places to hide. I moved through the packed city carefully moving through the crowds in search of some place to live. Though I barely any energy, I had to morph my face to hide who I was but I'm not sure it did any good since my body did not resemble someone who has not been fighting for their life for the last few months. I literally had my arm in a sling and my clothes were a mess so I wasn't surprised when the first clones I came upon spotted me even with my disguise.

"Atlantia, just stop running!" The clone shouted at me. I turn to run in the other direction but then I see another group of clones gathering there. I turn back to the clones and he takes off his helmet and I recognize him as Ink from the time I had found a spy about a year ago. I guess he thought seeing his face might bring my guard down and it kinda did. It just made me crave the life I had before.

"Atlantia," Ink said sadly, "Stop fighting. You are only hurting yourself. Can't you see that?" He points at my broken arm, "You have a broken arm, bruises over your face and probably over other parts of your body, and based on the way your are limping your right knee is busted. Come on Atlantia. Be smart. The Jedi are dead and you don't need to hurt yourself to follow their rules."

"I'm not following their rules, Ink." I tell him, "I'm following my own. Maybe you should to instead of listening to Emperor Palapatine." I was so focus on Ink that I forgot to think about the other clones gathering behind me till I felt a needle being stabbed into my neck. I gasped as I reached to pull out the needle but that same clone grabbed my only good arm as another took the lightsaber from my belt.

"Careful with her." I hear Ink say as another clone catches my body as I feel the Cordelia enter my system. "We don't know how many injuries she has except for the obvious ones." I could see Ink through my blurry eyes looking at me carefully before kneeling down to hold my chin in his hand, "Have a medic ready back on the ship. She's definitely malnourish and probably has more injuries than the ones we can see." He smiles at me when he sees me fighting to stay awake. "Just go to sleep, Atlantia. It will be better when you awake." I continued to try to stay awake but eventually I had to succumb to the drug.

When I awoke, I found myself in a cell but it was made nicer in a way. I was on an actual bed with a blanket covered over part of my body. My right leg was suspended in a cast above the bed and my right arm was chained to the bed as my left arm was stuck to my chest in the medical sling. I could feel bandages around my waist and I knew they were there to support my ribs. I groaned as I tried to look around but that even hurt to do so I decided to stay still even if I wanted to figure out how to leave. Just then the door to the cell opened and in steps Ink with two clones flanking him. A medical clone came in behind Ink with a medical cart floating behind him. He grabbed a few things as he began to check me. I tried to stop him but the first thing the medical clone did was put a small dose of Cordelia into my system. Not enough to put me to sleep but just enough to make sure I couldn't do anything.

"We're heading back to Coruscant where Empire Palpatine will be meeting us." Ink informed me as the doctor changed the bandages around my waist. "It is sad that you got so hurt trying to run when you are just going to the exact place where you would have gone if you hadn't run."

"Will fight to my last breath." I say my voice slurred from the herb, "The Jedi never betrayed the Republic."

He sighed, "You might still believe that but they did. They tried to assassinate the then Chancellor Palpatine, Atlantia." Ink smiles sadly at me as he put a comforting hand on my shoulder, "They were your family. I understand that. They were mine too but our loyality lies with the Republic or I should say the Galactic Empire now. You know this."

"My loyalty is with those who I love. Not with a Republic or an Empire." I say glaring at him. He sighs but then his comms beeps so he answers it. I listen carefully but all it told me was that we had arrived at Coruscant. I tried to struggled again because I knew if I was given over to Palapatine, I could accidently leak the information regarding Luke and Leia since Palapatine is going to give me Cordelia. My struggles ended up doing nothing and the clones were easily able to put me onto the stretcher they brought into the cell. With careful actions, the clones lifted me onto the stretcher and chained me to it to make sure I didn't move or try to attack anyone.

The clones brought me through the hallways of the cruiser and as we pass some of the clones, some of the clones stopped to salute me even though I was technically a criminal being escorted.

"We all still respect you, Atlantia." Ink said as we passed the clones, "That will never change, no matter what happens." That comment pulled on my heartstrings.

Eventually, we make it to the shuttle and once we land, the clones guide me into the Emperor's building. There were a lot of clones guarding the building and I saw some of the senators walking out of the building all of them were looking curiously at me as the clones brought me up the stairs and into the building. The clones lead me to the Emperor's office and once inside I saw a man I hoped I would never see again.

"Well, hello Atlantia." Emperor Palpatine said grinning from behind his cloak, "It's good to see you."

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