Chapter 42: Why do our plans never go to plan?

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It didn't take long for Rex and I had to prep for the battle as I didn't have to do anything and Rex had all his gear pretty much all set. We decided to go check on Hera before we had to report to the Imperial shuttle. We find her saying goodbye to Jacen, her son, as he would obviously be staying back with the rest of the Rebellion since it wasn't safe for him to go on the mission. Jacen, even at his young age, knew the danger his mother was going into and didn't want her to go.

"Jacen," I say softly as I kneel in front of him, "You remember how powerful I am right?" I didn't hear anything from him but I could tell he was nodding, "And how much I care for your mother?" Another nod, "Well, then you know I won't let anything happen to her. Your mother will return to you, Jacen. And when she does, you and her can go for a fly." Suddenly, Jacen slams into me as he wraps his arms around me. I smile and I hugged back before pushing him gently toward his mother.

"Thank you," Hera says smiling at me, "May the Force be with you, two."

"May the Force be with you." I repeat before leaving with Rex by my side. It was time for us to fight against the Empire. When we walk into the hanger bay, it was bustling with activity. Everybody was busy prepping their ships for the upcoming battle but the two of us just walk past it all toward the Imperial shuttle. We walk up the ramp and that is where we separate. Rex stayed with the strike team so they can go over plans while I joined the shuttle crew up in the cockpit.

"Anything I can do to help?" I ask as I enter the cockpit. Leia, Chewie, Luke, R2, and 3PO were the only ones in there but they tell me no since everything was already prepped for the mission and they were only waiting on Han to get his butt into the shuttle. We were waiting long.

"Got her warmed?" Han asked as he made his way to the pilot seat.

"She's coming up," Luke replies as he hits one more switch.

"Arrrgh!" Chewie groans out.

"Yeah, well, I don't think the Empire had Wookies in mind when they designed her, Chewie." Han replied making me chuckle. There was silence for a little bit till Leia made her way over to Han.

"Hey, you awake?" She asked when he had zoned out.

"Yeah, I just got a funny feeling, like I'm not gonna see her again." Han said. I figured he was talking about his ship since it was parked in front of us.

"Come on, General, let's move." Leia says.

"Right. Chewie," Han replies, "Let's see what this piece of junk can do." Then after a brief moment he adds, "Ready everybody?"

"All set." Luke replies as R2 beeps his excitement as we begin to take off.

"Here we go again." 3PO replies as we fly out of the hanger bay. Once we were far away from the ship to safely jump into hyperspace, Han tells us to hang on before the ship jumps into hyperspace. It is silent in the cockpit as we all prep ourselves for when the ship exits hyperspace. When we were out of hyperspace, Han began the slow approach toward the Imperial cruiser hovering above the moon that the new Death Star was being built above.

"Arrrgh," Chewie whines softly as we got closer.

"If they don't go for this, we're gonna have to get out of here pretty quick, Chewie." Han says

"Arrrr!" Chewie replies.

"We have you on our screen now. Please Identify," One of the Imperial officers says over the radio.

"Shuttle Tydirium requesting deactivation of the deflector shield." Han said.

"Shuttle Tydirium, transmit the clearance code for shield passage." The Imperial officer orders.

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