Chapter 7: The Future is looking grim

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I followed Master Ti to the Jedi temple and into the room where the other Jedi were waiting. The only ones missing were Obi Wan, Mundi, and Anakin but they were handling the spy so they would not be joining us.

"Here you shall sit, Atlantia." Master Yoda said patting the pillow next to him. "Connect we shall to see the reason behind this troubling situation." I sit on the pillow as the other Jedi do the same on their's. We all close our eyes and begin the process of connecting to each other through the Force. It felt so rewarding when we could feel each other through the Force. Typically, when I join the group meditation, at least with the council, they guide me in using my see-the-future power. It was already hurting me on Earth with the gods alive but now it was worse since it was coming from purely me. This is where the Jedi come in. Using the Force, they help guide me down each path the power shows me and give me strength to do so. They couldn't see what I see but I speak about what I see as I see it so they are right there with me.

"Atlantia, are you ready?" Master Windu asked me.

"Yes, master." I say feeling connected to each of the Jedi.

"Alright, start by finding the correct path we want to use." He instructed like normal. I walk mentally through the long room looking for the correct future path. I stopped when I found Dooku's.

"I have found Dooku's path." I report as I begin to walk down it.

"Good. What do you see?" Master Ti says. I could see multiple moments along Dooku's path but then for some reason, I am pushed by an unknown force down the path. I shout in fear as I am pulled down the path. This has never happened before and I don't know why my powers were fighting me.

"Atlantia, you are in control." Master Windu said sensing my fear, "Your powers are reacting to your subconscious thought of what you need to see without showing you something you don't need to see." I realize he is right when I stop in front of one "video" of the future. It was one of the last ones of Count Dooku. I pull myself up and go through the memory.

"What do you see?" Master Plo Koon asks after I told them I was heading into the event. I stared at the event and it frightened me. I was there staring down at Dooku who seemed to have suffered a deadly wound and I think I was the one who delivered it. My eyes held this blood-thirsting look and I could feel the dark side of the Force covering me. Dooku reached for me before I was pulled back to the present. I gasp as my eyes fly open as do the other Jedi.

"Atlantia, what did you see?" Master Windu asked urgently coming to kneel in front of me.

"I saw myself as a blood-thirsting version of myself," I say frightened, "I was under some dark force's control but it wasn't Dooku. It felt like Dooku was dying and he was seeing it as his last memory." The Jedi looked concerned at my words. They exchanged looks before telling me to go get some rest.

"Atlantia," Master Yoda said as I got up to leave.

"Yes, Master Yoda?" I ask looking at him.

"Speak of what saw, you shall not." Master Yoda ordered giving me a look, "Fear it will bring distrust, I do." I give him a nod before heading to my room in the Jedi Temple. I didn't feel confident in myself any more if that was my future. I knew it was just one path but it scared me that could happen.

I stay at the Jedi Temple for a little bit not heading out to aid in the war because of my anxiety from becoming the dark persona I had saw but I did eventually force myself to join the war again. The Jedi council had not pushed me because they were worried if they pushed me, I would become that dark persona I had described which symbolized the end of the Jedi and the Republic because they knew I would never let that happen willingly.

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