Chapter 37: I have a fight with myself.

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Pov Change: Atlantia

When Leia uttered the last line of the spell, my view to the world darkened before I felt myself being launched to the foreground with the Cordelia me being launched to meet me. I felt myself locked inside my own body unable to move or see anything happening and deep down I knew I wouldn't be able to leave until only one Atlantia remained. Our battleground to my surprise was the rebel's base on Yavin. We were outside pretty close to the spot where I had liked to meditate outside. She was standing on one edge of the docking area while I was on the other.

"So, this is it." Cordelia Atlantia said smiling at me. "This will determine our fate and who Atlantia will be."

"If you are allowed to take control, then Atlantia will be dead when she awakes." I tell her, "The rebels have already planned to kill her if it turns out their spell didn't work."

"They won't be able to kill me. I am too powerful and will be able to kill them before they kill me." Cordelia Atlantia says confidently.

"Nice to know you are confident but I can't let you keep hurting people." I tell her, "I know I hurt people but I don't take pleasure in it."

"You do." Cordelia Atlantia smirks, "Don't lie to yourself. You enjoy when you cause pain to those who have hurt you or someone you love."

My eyes darken slightly, "But I feel guilt afterward for the pleasure I took in killing someone. While I am pleased to always see someone evil die, I shouldn't take pleasure in causing them pain or if I do, I can feel guilty for the pleasure. You crave pain. You want to hurt people and are eager to cause pain."

"I will admit to that," Cordelia Atlantia shrugs, "but I honestly don't care that I want to because it will make killing you so much easier." I summon my staff into my hand as Cordelia Atlantia charges me with her lightsaber drawn. I duck her swing and move to hit her with my staff which to my surprise had changed into a lightsaber but it was white. I had never seen a white lightsaber but I didn't stop to wonder why it was white since I had a duel to win. Cordelia Atlantia moves her red lightsaber to block mine. I took the chance to continue on the offensive pushing Cordelia Atlantia backwards with each swing but as we got closer to the ships, she used the earthquake power to push me away from her. I did a backward somersault from the force and recovered quickly, but I still barely blocked Cordelia Atlantia's attack. She forced me on defense but I remembered a disarming move Anakin taught me years ago. Quickly, I pushed Cordelia Atlantia backwards with the Force before charging her and connecting my lightsaber with her but since mine was now on top, I could do the move. Sliding my lightsaber to the handle end of her lightsaber, I sent my earthquake power through my lightsaber to that part forcing it to fly into the air. It spun around in the air before I caught in my other hand and put both lightsabers at Cordelia Atlantia's throat. She looked up at me with hatred in her eyes.

"Well? What are you waiting for?" She shouts at me angrily, "Just kill me and you can forget all that happened in the last ten months."

"I don't want to forget." I say softly, "I want to remember the pain I caused so I make it up to those I hurt."

"Only one of us can survive. So kill me!" Cordelia Atlantia growls at me.

"No." I say shaking my head and turning off the lightsabers. "Only one Atlantia must remains but that doesn't mean I have to kill you." I grabbed her shoulder and do a slight tug with my powers. A cold feeling washes over me as I begin to absorb the memories of the last ten months.

"No!' Cordelia Atlantia screams before she disappears from in front of me. Tears form in my eyes as I see memories from the last ten months appear. I felt terrible as I see the pain I caused before closing my eyes as the scene I was in disappeared.

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