Chapter 28: I join the Rebellion

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When I awake, I find myself on a bottom bunk bed. I pull myself off of it carefully before walking out of the room that I had been placed in. Sensing where the team was, I walked in that direction but after running into the ladder, I turned on my vision power for a minute. I found the team in the galley and once I did, I turned off my power so I wouldn't waste energy and fall unconscious again.

"Hey guys," I greeted them as I slide into the booth that they had in their galley. Ezra and Zeb were playing a game on the table so I just slid it to watch the game play out or at least listen. Ezra was nice enough to describe what was happening which I appreciated.

"So, you really have been fighting since you were five years old?" Zeb blurts out interrupting Ezra.

"Rex told you my story?" I say but I wasn't really looking for an answer so I just answered his question, "Yeah, something like that. I had my first battle against the monsters when I was five and that was just the beginning of the many battles I would have." I didn't notice that Kanan had been standing listening to us till he made his presence know.

"I hate to break up the bonding," Kanan says with a smile, "But we have arrived back at base."

"Do they know that I am coming?" I ask standing and going toward Kanan's voice.

"Yeah, Hera reported that our mission was a success but we didn't mention your eyes. We figured that might be something they should learn in person." I smile thankfully at that because I didn't want to deal with the usual "aid" I would get when people know I am blind but don't realize I don't need help. I follow Kanan, Zeb, and Ezra to the exit ramp where Sabine, Rex, and Hera were already waiting. Once Hera saw we were there, she opened the ramp and began the walk down it. I was one of the last off the ship and would have been the last one if Zeb didn't push me down the ramp.

"Don't hide yourself, kid." He said fondly, "You don't have any reason to hide, not any more." I couldn't bring myself to agree with him because I had been hiding for the last sixteen years or at least trying to and it was the best plan. No one was hurt but myself and a few Empire stormtroopers but it was better than the innocents that would die when Palpatine and Vader found me and captured me again.

"So you had another successful mission, Captain Syndulla," A man's voice said from in front of me, "Where is the young Jedi?"

"I'm right here" I say stepping forward. The group opened up so this man, who I assume to be the leader of the rebellion group at least in this sector, could see me. "My name is Atlantia Brooks. I was a Commander in the Clone Wars fighting alongside the clones and Master Kenobi and Master Skywalker."

"Commander Jun Sato." He says walking toward me to help close the gap. There was a pause and I realized a moment too late that he was holding out his hand. "You can't see." I sigh before telling the same story I told the others on the ship.

"She can't see but it does not mean she can't fight, sir." Zeb said swinging an arm around my shoulders, "She saved our butts when we came to retrieve her. Took out a battalion of stormtroopers, and a star destroyer all by herself."

"Jedi can be that powerful?" Commander Sato asks surprised.

"Not that I know of but I'm not just a Jedi. I was born with extra powers so I fight with those extra powers alongside the normal Jedi ones." I explain.

"Well, that news is unexpected but we are glad to have you join the Rebellion. Welcome to the Rebellion, Atlantia." Commander Sato says before walking away after being called by one of the other rebels.

"Alright come on." Rex said dragging both me and Zeb with him, "We are going to get you some food because it looks like you haven't eaten in days."

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