Chapter 44: I forgive him.

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"Bring those two down here!" The officer shouted at the stormtroopers. A group of them ran up the hill toward 3PO and R2, standing up there in the open. I knew that they had a plan, but I couldn't figure out it was until I realized that the Ewoks were missing. I watch the stormtroopers move to secure the droids through my blurry eyes, but then the Ewoks pop out from behind the bushes and trees. They jump onto the stormtroopers and force them to fall to the ground, allowing the droids to escape. Then as the officer begins to shout for the stormtroopers to help, the rest of the tribe jumps out of the bushes and trees. The Ewoks fire arrows at the stormtroopers making many of them duck as they hit them. Han and the rest of the rebels took the opportunity to overpower their guards right by them.

After hitting the stormtrooper next to him, Han grabbed the officer holding me and shoved him to the ground. Rex hurried over moments later and offered me his arm. Knowing what he was offering, I grabbed his arm and pulled on his energy. I take only enough for my body to clear the Cordelia from my system. When it was gone, I grabbed my lightsaber from the officer laying not moving on the ground, before turning toward the stormtroopers firing their blasters. I reflect the blaster shots back at their owners as I take out the stormtroopers right by me. I was very careful not to use my powers as I needed to blow up the shield generator since the explosives we brought wouldn't be enough to blow it up. However, I still had to deal with the mini-walkers, so after taking care of the stormtroopers blocking my path, I ran toward the walkers and slashed my lightsaber through the legs. When it crashes down to the ground, I pull the stormtrooper from the cockpit before Rex drops a hand grenade in there to make sure they can't use the blasters on the walker.

I turned to do it to the next walker, but he was ready for me. He kept his weapons on me, forcing me to go to the defensive position instead of the offensive like I wanted to. The Ewoks at that moment became my saviors because a group of them decided to launch boulders at the remaining walker, distracting the operator for a moment allowing me to slash the legs bringing the walker to the ground. The Ewoks immediately jumped in to take care of the occupants of the walker, which allowed me to turn my attention to the other stormtroopers. However, as I continued to fight, I noticed R2 and 3PO making their way to the door of the shield generator. I'm guessing the code must have changed since we entered the first time. I sort of wished I blew up this door as well instead of just the control room door so Leia and Han can go inside and finish setting the bombs so I could blow up the shield generator from out here once they made it out since even with the Ewok's help, the stormtroopers still outnumbered us.

"Atlantia!" I hear Han shout at me a few minutes later. Before turning to him, I pushed the stormtroopers I was fighting backwards into the trees. "We can't open the door! R2 was shot! We need you." Feeling my energy, I figure I had enough energy to destroy the base and end this battle but only if I drained energy from someone else. I wasn't going to do it to Rex again but Han had enough energy so I would do it to him. With a plan in mind, I pushed my hands together as a power ball forms in my hands. When it was big enough, I slammed the ball into the ground and watched as the power rocked the planet and the occupants. The remaining stormtroopers fell to the ground and the Ewoks who were able to stay on their feet , incapacitated them allowing me to head toward Han.

"I need energy," I say holding out my hand to Han. Han took it but not before saying, "It's not going to hurt is it?"

"It just makes you tired," Rex assured him since I've done this multiple times with him. Han nods his approval and I pull some of his energy but only enough so I could break down the door. He didn't have too much to give as we were just in a battle so I didn't want to make him unable to fight since I didn't know what else we were going to have to do.

Holding out my hand, I send a shockwave rocketing into the door, shattering it. Alarms went off but I silenced it immediately with my powers. With the rebels behind me, I charge into the shied generator with my lightsaber in my hand. We burst into the control room and put the tip of my lightsaber right at the commanding officer's throat.

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