Chapter 18: A bad future is coming and I can't stop it

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When I awoke, I found myself in my room in the Jedi Temple. There was a medical droid standing by my bedside looking over something on the tablet in it's hand.

"Miss Atlantia good to see you awake." It said stepping closer to check my vitals but I push him away. Pushing myself up to a sitting position, I throw off the blankets that were covering my body.

"How long have I been out?" I say as I try to stand but the medical droid stops me by pushing back down on the bed albeit gently.

"Just a little over a day miss." The medical droid said trying again to check my vitals. This time I let him so I could possibly get out of here quicker or at least let him leave me alone. "Master Kenobi told me to tell you if you are well enough to report to the council's meeting in an hour. Your presence is requested."

"Thank you," I say and with that the medical droid gave me a clean bill of health before leaving me. I took a step into the bathroom adjacent to my room and I could tell that the Cordelia did a number to me. It seems whatever Grievous did to change the Cordelia has made it more harmful to me. My body looked thinner with a pale tint to my skin. I honestly looked like Nico after he had shadowed travel the Athena Parthenos. I sighed. It looks like I have to be extra careful as I join my comrades in battle now.

I decided to regain some of my strength by filling the tub in my bathroom before sinking into it to try to gain strength from the water. It doesn't heal me quite as well as it did back on Earth but I can still get some energy. To my surprised, I had fallen asleep and realized I was going to be late for the meeting. Quickly dressing, I run down the hallway not risking shadow traveling since that would waste energy. When I made it to the meeting, I saw it was already under way with Anakin talking to the council.

"Allow this appointment lightly the council does not." Master Yoda was saying. "Disturbing is this move by Chancellor Palpatine."

"I understand." Anakin says.

"You are on this council but we do not grant you the rank of master." Master Windu was saying.

"What?" Anakin says surprised. "How can you do this? This is outrageous. It's unfair. How can you be on the council and not be a master?"

"Take a seat, young Skywalker." Master Windu says sternly.

Anakin hesitates before doing a small bow, "Forgive me, Master." He goes to the seat that was given to him.

"We have surveyed all systems in the Republic but have found no sign of General Greivous." Master Mundi said continuing on with the council's agenda.

"Hiding in the outer rim Grievous is." Master Yoda said. "The outlying systems you must sweep."

"We do not have many ships to spare." Obi Wan warns.

"What about the droid attack on the Wookie?" Master Mundi added.

"It is critical we send an attack group there immediately." Master Windu continues.

"He's right. It's a system we cannot afford to lose." Obi Wan agrees.

"Go I will." Master Yoda says nodding, "Good relations with the Wookies I have."

"It's settled then. Yoda will take a battalion of clones to reinforce the Wookies on Kashyyyk." Master Windu says, "Now, Atlantia the council has been briefed on what has happened during the rescue of the Chancellor. How harmful is this new version of Cordelia?"

"It disarms me pretty fast." I admit stepping into the middle of the room. "Once injected into my body, it worked like a sedative to keep me from being able to use my powers or even any strength at all. I'm still feeling the effects right now. My powers are dimmed compare to what they could be and I took a soak in my tub to try to get some energy back."

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