Chapter 31: ...but it doesn't mean we can't win

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As we exited the planet, I could see Commander Sato launching the fighters and the Imperial ships doing the same. I sigh as I open the bay door and jump out in to space allowing for the ship to pull me along till I could get on top of the ship.

"Phoenix Squadron, keep those fighters busy. Green Squadron, attack the lead destroyer." Hera orders.

"Copy that. We'll clear a path." Green leader responded.

"Atlantia, try your best to protect the pilots and destroy those cruisers." Hera shouts at me before she flies into battle. I don't respond too focused on the battle and seeing where I was needed. I was gaining strength so I knew could take out a cruiser. It was just a matter of picking one. Deciding on one of the cruisers in the front I call on the powers in myself before launching the power ball toward the cruiser. It tries to and move away but I could control the power ball until it hit its target. The power ball hits the intended target destroying the ship completely while also damaging the nearby cruiser.

Though that attack hurt the Imperials, it draw attention to my ship which brought multiple TIES flying toward me but Rex and I easily destroyed them. However, I couldn't bring my attention back to the cruiser because there were too many TIEs attacking the other ships and our main duty was protecting the transports.

"Too many ships to protect!" Zeb grumbles as he flies toward the ones in most danger as Rex and I take out as many ships. At one point, I had to put up a shield around me because some TIE fighters got close enough to shoot directly at where I was standing on the ships. Luckily, Rex was able to take them out before I lost grip on my shield.

"Hera, I can't get through as long as those Interdictor Cruisers are cutting us off." Ezra says over the comms.

"Stay sharp, Ezra. We'll find you that opening!" Hera tells him before I hear her addresse me, "Atlantia, we need another power ball!"

"A little occupied!" I shout into the comms since I was busy trying to stay alive as Thrawn must have sent another squadron of fighters just at my ship alone.

"Well, get unoccupied because we need another cruiser gone so we can destroy an interdictor cruiser." Hera shouts at me, "Ezra can't get through until one of those are destroyed!"

"Commander Bridger, go to heading 221 and prepare to jump." Commander Sato ordered suddenly. That confused me but I couldn't dwell on it since I needed to get rid of the TIEs before helping Ezra escape.

"Hera, I think Sato's evacuating the carrier." Zeb informs her. That surprised me but I could feel the escape pods and ships being deployed so I knew he wasn't lying.

"Hera, what's Sato doing?" Ezra shouts as I felt his ship approaching one of the Interdictor cruisers that were moving to intersect Sato's ship.

"He's drawing that ship out of position. Get ready to jump!" Hera orders. Than a few minutes later I feel Sato's death along with two of his men as an explosion vibrates through space. I could feel the destruction of the Interdictor cruiser as I hear Hera yell, "Ezra now!" Moments later he jumps inter hyperspace. Seconds after that happens, Hera orders for us to return to base so I had to slip into the ship before Zeb brought us back to the base. Once we returned, Hera ordered them to work on the shield generator that Sabine had been working on before she left. She knew we were going to be attacked from the sky and they weren't going to be looking to have survivors. At the moment, Hera had General Dodonna and I staring at the formation in the sky on the holomap trying to figure out the best way to handle this and make sure Commander Sato's sacrifice was not in vain.

"Thrawn is preparing for a planetary bombardment." Hera says suddenly after staring at the changing formation of the cruisers. She then patches in Zeb before saying, "How's the shield coming Zeb?"

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