Chapter 15: An old Friend returns.

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I stare at Ahsoka shocked but happy to see that she was well. She seemed to be fine and as I look at the person next to her, I notice Bo Katan standing there as well. If she made an alliance with Bo Katan, then she must have found some danger.

"Hello master," Ahsoka said staring at Anakin, "It's been a while." Anakin just stares at Ahsoka shocked. Obi Wan, Admiral Yularen, and I all exchange a look wondering if we should speak up for Anakin but then he spoke.

"A-Ahsoka, what...I don't believe it." He says shocked, "How are you? Where are you? Are you ok?"

Ahsoka smiles, "I'm alright, thank you. I wish we had more time to talk but I have urgent information for the three of you."

"What is it Ahsoka?" I say stepping forward.

"Lady Bo Katan and I have located the renegade Sith Lord Maul, and if we move swiftly, we believe we can capture him." Ahsoka quickly says.

"Maul?" I say surprised. "Where?"

"I don't want to say over a comms line." Ahsoka said, "If Maul is able to intersect this conversation, then we will lose the chance to capture him."

"Very well," Obi Wan said, "We will send you our coordinates and we can talk in person."

"Thank you, masters." Ahsoka said with a slight respectful nod of her head. The communication ends and Anakin and Obi Wan dismiss me. They tell me to go get some food so my healing magic could heal my shoulder wound. I do as they as because I knew I would be sent into battle again very soon so I needed to be prepared for the battle which meant no injuries.

Obi Wan calls for me to join Anakin and him an hour after Ahsoka's communication so we could greet Ahsoka and Bo Katan. I was excited. I finally am going to see my friend again.

I joined Anakin and Obi Wan just outside the hanger bay and together we all walked through the bay in silence. My arm was still in the sling because my healing power still hadn't kicked in.

"It all makes sense now," Anakin says breaking the silence.

"What?" Obi Wan asks.

"If Ahsoka hadn't left the Order, then she wouldn't have been where she needed to be." Anakin states.

"That's one way to look at it, I suppose." Obi Wan says skeptically. Anakin runs in front of Obi Wan stopping him.

"It's the only way to look at it." Anakin insists. "We're going to capture Maul, finally. I thought you would be more excited about this."

"I am cautiously optimistic." Obi Wan says stepping around Anakin. I follow Obi Wan with Anakin trailing behind us as we watch Ashoka's ship land a few feet from us. The ships's ramp lowers to the ground and Ahsoka walks down it staring at us. R2 makes a happy noise before scurrying over to her. Ahsoka puts her hand comfortingly on his head as Bo Katan and her men walk down behind her. She then meets my eyes before walking toward us.

"Ahsoka," Anakin chuckles, "I'm so glad..." Ahsoka holds her hand up to stop him

"We'll have to catchup another time." Ahsoka interrupts. Anakin shoulders drop in disappointment as she continues, "Things are moving quickly."

"Every minute we waste here gives Maul an opportunity to slip away." Bo Katan says stepping forward. She gives me a small nod in recognition which I return.

"We understand." I say looking carefully at Obi Wan and Anakin, "Please, follow us." I lead everyone to the briefing room so we can get updated on what Bo Katan and Ahsoka know. Ahsoka pulls up a map of different planets before she begins to speak.

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