Chapter 19: So much death

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I didn't know where I was running to but I knew I needed to get away from the Chancellor's building before he sent clones or worse Anakin to retrieve me. So I could make my way to the main part of the city before anybody could be sent to stop me, I ducked into the shadows before shadow traveling into an alley in the center of the city. Summoning a cloak, I wrap myself in it and put the hood over my head before walking out of the alley. It stunned me to know that I had to hide in the streets that I used to protect. Looking around the street, I realized I was walking past some clones so I ducked my head so they wouldn't recognize me. As I walked passed them, they took out the comms link and I saw Chancellor Palpatine or as he is now known as Lord Sidious, appear.

"Execute Order 66." Lord Sidious said in his gravely tone, "And bring back Atlantia Brooks, alive. She has been manipulated by the Jedi but I know my apprentice and I can help her."

"Yes, my lord." The clone trooper said before ending the communication. He began shouting into comms the orders and at that moment I felt pain in my gut.

"No," I whispered under my breath as my visions went straight to the present and I saw each of the Jedi in their last moments. I watched as Master Mundi was gunned down by his fellow clones, Master Plo Koon was shot down by his fellow pilots, and so many more. I collapsed to the ground from the wave of death as I felt each of the Jedi succumb to their deaths. The clones saw me collapse to the ground with my hood falling off my head revealing who I was.

"There's the girl." The clone shouted. I pushed myself up as they aimed their weapons at me. I took my lightsaber out and steadied myself as I felt the tears falling down my face as I felt my new family's death. It seems I am never destined to be with a family since the gods or the Force seems to kill everybody I deem family.

"We don't want to hurt you, Atlantia, but we know the Jedi have been telling you lies. We just want to help you." The clone said walking toward me like I was a frightened animal though he still had his weapon aimed at me.

"I don't know what's going on but I know it's wrong." I say before pushing the clones backwards against the building before I jump off the sidewalk and fall onto one of the passing ships. The driver begins to yell at me in his alien language but I ignore him as I jump onto one of the passing platforms in the main part of the city. I see a scooter and steal it knowing if I didn't it would be bad for me and the rest of the Republic. I wished I could shadow travel but the unexpected vision of what was happening drained me slightly so I wouldn't be able to protect myself if I shadow traveled somewhere dangerous. Making my way to the lower levels of Coruscant, I keep an out for any clones falling me but nobody seemed to be following me so I landed on one of the platforms before pulling my hood back up and disappearing down the dark pathway. I hide in one of the alleyways as my comms rings. Making sure it was hidden by my cloak from any passersby, I answer the call and Master Yoda, Master Kenobi, and Senator Organa appears.

"Master Yoda, Master Kenobi." I greet relieved, "I am happy to see you two are alive."

"As are we, Atlantia." Master Kenobi said giving me a smile, "Where are you?"

"I'm still on Coruscant." I said, "I'm in hiding right now. Chancellor Palpatine ordered all clones to kill the Jedi but to bring me in alive and unharmed."

"A coded signal drawing the remaining Jedi to the temple, there is." Master Yoda said, "Dismantle it we will."

"What is the..." I trail off when I hear clones approaching my location. "Masters, there are clones nearby. I cannot speak." With that, I hid the comms and after noticing the clones checking everybody and what they look like, I decide to try to call on a power I haven't used in over two years. Taking a breath, I change the features on my face to resemble an older woman with my hair turning a bright blue instead of the white I normally sport. I also take the lightsaber off my belt and hide it behind my back.

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