Chapter 5: A spy

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I awoke a few hours later feeling better now that I was rested. I washed up and put on some clean clothes before stepping into the hallway. Figuring the council could wait another few minutes for me to grab a bite to eat, I headed toward the mess hall. I ate quickly before walking back to the main bridge area where I knew a transceiver was so I could talk to the Jedi Council like Obi Wan asked me to. I nod at the clones in greeting when I step inside the room before stepping up to the transceiver and entering the code for the Jedi Council. Master Yoda, Master Fisto, Master Plo Koon, Master Ti, and a few other members of the council appeared.

"Atlantia, it's good to see you are well." Master Ti said smiling at me. "But there is something we need to tell you."

"What is it?" I ask worried.

"Intercepted a message, we have." Master Yoda says with a small grimace. "Be heard alone, it should." I nod to the clones in the room and they exit the room quietly.

"Let's hear it." I say. Master Fisto steps forward and holds out a transmitter before an image of Count Dooku appears.

"The girl has been spotted. Just where we were told she would be." Count Dooku said to an unknown person. The unknown person speaks but we must not have that side of the conversation because we just stare at Count Dooku as he listens to what ever the other person is saying.

"The creation of cordelia is almost complete. Soon, it will be ready for disposal and the girl will be under our control. The Republic will fall along with the jedi." Dooku said smiling before the message disappeared.

"So, Dooku was able to get the remnants of cordelia from the cruiser that went down a year ago." I say surprising. "So what should have been a highly unlikely thing of happening, may actually happen. I may end up under their control."

"Prevent we must...prevent we will." Master Yoda said looking at me with a confidence that I didn't have.

"We have found that there must be a spy in your squadron." Master Ti said clicking a few buttons on her side before images of me from the recent battle appears. "One of the five clones you fought with today must be providing information to Count Dooku. We intercepted these photos being sent but it was encrypted so we can't see who sent it."

"So I need to find the spy?" I ask to confirm what I need to do.

"Yes, but do not draw attention to your hunt." Master Plo Koon warned, "If the clones find out that we believe that one of their own is a spy, it would lead to distrust and hatred. At this crucial time in the war, we cannot afford to lose the loyalty from the clones."

"I understand." I say with a bow of my head.

"One more thing," Master Fisto said, "You need to find which of the five clones it is before the ship arrives at Coruscant. If they make it to Coruscant, they will be able to disappear."

"Yes, masters." I say before the transmission ends. I walk out of the door and nod at the clones to allow them to reenter and get back to their jobs. I needed to find the five clones that I fought with in the recent battle. I trusted Waxer and Boil but I still had to check. This should be an easy job because I could read thoughts but I first had to find the clones and on a big cruiser like this one, it is really hard.

I decided to begin in the mess hall. If they weren't there, I can at least be pointed in the right direction. Looking around the mess hall, I could not see any of the five so I decided to ask if anyone knew where Waxer or Boil was.

"Believe Waxer is in the sleeping quarters." One of the clones told me, "He told us he wanted to rest up after the battle. You might want to check there, miss." I nod and thank them before heading off to the clones sleeping quarters. I got there and asked the group leaving if Waxer was in there.

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