Chapter 27: I show the Empire how powerful I've grown.

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Slowly, Rex introduced me to the four members and I was pretty impressed with them. The Jedi pair was Kanan Jarrus and Ezra Bridger. I realized I recognized Kanan from when he was a padawan but I didn't know him as Kanan, I knew him as Caleb Dune. His master was Master Depa Billaba who I would sometime train with at the temple but it wasn't often. I was honestly surprised that he was able to survive because the last I heard from the pair, they were in the midst of a battle surrounded by clones but I guess he didn't escaped unscathed if his eyes were anything to go by. However, it confused me because it was a lightsaber that destroyed his eyes not a blaster so I decided to ask about the wound.

"I can tell you have also lost your eyes." I say to him, "How did it happen?"

"Maul," Kanan replies, "We had a battle against him months ago."

"Maul? He is alive?" I say surprised.

"Yeah, but he went into hiding." Ezra says. I turn toward him. The kid couldn't be more than seventeen years old and he already had the soldier look in his eyes that I hold. Then there were the Mandalorian girl, Sabine. She held the same look Ezra did but she seemed more relaxed. I could tell she was tough with the small amount of fighting I seen her do and the apparent demolition knowledge she holds.

"How do you know Maul?" Zeb asks. He was a Laset and a well-trained fighter. He reminded slightly of Anakin with his thirst for fighting.

I sigh, "I met Maul during the Clone Wars. Master Kenobi recruited me for a mission to Mandalore. Maul was taking over Mandalore so Duchess Satine called Master Kenobi to come help her. I believe they were in love but never acted on it and they never got the chance to. Satine was killed by Maul in an act of revenge against Kenobi. Master Kenobi and I eventually escape Mandalore with the help of Bo-Katan but I always regretted not being able to stop Maul that day."

"From what I heard," Satine said, "You couldn't have. I was very young at that time but my mother told me that Bo-Katan told you to run back to Republic to try to get some help which never came. But she was thankful for the army of the dead that you provided." I smile at that but the trip down memory lane was ruined when one of my alarms was triggered. Jerking my head toward the sound, I quickly turn my vision power on and take a look at the screen connected to the cameras the Empire had installed in the city.

"Stormtroopers, heading this way." I inform them turning around.

"That was quick." Ezra said, "How did they find us so quickly?"

"Atlantia is one of the most highly sought Jedi, kid." Rex said, "Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader would stop at nothing to have her either fighting on their side or drunk on Cordelia laying at their feet unable to fight."

"Whoever has her on their side, stands the winning chance." Kanan finishes.

"So, Atlantia you ready to step out of the shadows?" Rex says grabbing my lightsaber from the table I had set it down on. I grab it from him and turn in on.

"Let's go show the Empire who side's I'm on." I say smiling as I turn on my lightsaber. Turning off my vision power to save energy, I turn toward my door waiting for the stormtroopers to break through it. I wasn't waiting long. The door was thrown open and stormtroopers instantly began to fire at us. Kanan, Ezra, and I began to deflect their blaster shots as Rex, Sabine, and Zeb all fired after taking cover. I could tell the Empire was learning from their past mistakes because they had sent a battalion of stormtroopers which was definitely more than this team has dealt with at one time.

"They really want to capture you, Atlantia." Ezra says as we deflected the blasters. I smile at that before turning off my lightsaber and slipping it onto my belt. Pushing my hands toward each other, a white ball forms in between my hands before I release it out the door and into the crowd of stormtroopers. Quickly I move taking out my lightsaber and rushing out of the door into the significantly smaller crowd of stormtroopers. Deflecting the blasters shots as I summon a staff, I slam it into the ground and I watch the rest of the battalion fall from the shockwave.

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