Chapter 111

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"Harry?" Spinning around, I found Bell standing behind me.

"What?" I sniffed.

"Are you alright?" She asked shrinking back as I glared over at her.

My face softening., I nodded. "Yeah. I'm sorry, but can I be alone? I just want to think."

She nodded, flashing a quick smile. "Yeah, that's okay. Let me know if you need anything."

I nodded, and she walks away, down towards her dressing room.

I wipe at my eyes, upset that I let myself seem so vulnerable.

I mean, Carson left me for a reason....


Suddenly filled with a blinding fury, I storm down the hall, and towards 5SOS's dressing room.



"Oh Anna! He's so in love with you!" Bella cooed.

"Yeah, yeah. Shut up." She says, waving her off.

I looked around and notice I haven't seen Sam or Bell for quite some time, and then I see Bell hurtling towards us.

She is barely able to stop herself as breathes heavily, saying incoherent words.

"What? Calm down Bell, geez." Anna grumbles, crossing her arms as she waits impatiently.

"Harry...harry..." Bell gasps for breath. "Carson...Harry...Luke..."

Worry sudden fills me. "What? What's wrong wrong?"

I remember seeing Harry upset on stage while singing Little Things...but what could've happened that is so important Bell sprinted across the whole arena to tell me?

"Carson-5SOS dressing room." Bell is stuttering as she manages to slow her breathing. "Harry is mad Luke I think."

"Shit." I curse. "This bad, this is really bad."

Bella looks over at Anna, confusion written clear across her face.

Anna shrugs and mouths I'll tell you later.

"You better go." Bell says, finally talking normally again. Her face is still a splotchy red though, and she still breathes heavily.

"I know, I know. I just need to think. I have to beat Harry there or this could get ugly." I run a hand through my light brown hair, frustrated.

"Turn down that hall." Anna says, suddenly pushing me forward. Open the second door on you're left and then run down to then of that hall and you're there."

I stare at her in awe. "How did you know that?"

She blushes. "I...uh...just do."

"Probably because of Michael." Bella whispers to Bell, who giggles and nods in agreement.

Anna shoots them daggers, then turns to me. "Well what are you waiting for? Go!"

Nodding, I take off, hoping, praying, that I will beat Harry there.


I don't. Well, I do, we arrive at the same time.

I grab the doorknob just as he does, and he freezes as he see's me.

"C-Carson?" He stutters, dropping his hand and taking a step back.

"Harry." I say calmly, standing in front of the door. "I can't let you in there."

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