Chapter 104

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As I stared at Ashton, the steady beeping from next to me started to pick up its pace.

"Anna!" Ashton soothed. "It's okay! Don't worry, Mikey is just...outside."

Attempting to let out a sigh of relief, I relaxed back into my soft pillow.

Shutting my eyes, I slightly smiled.

"Where's the doctor?" I rasped, my voice barely audible and I barely was able to speak.

Clutching my hand to my throat as I forced myself to swallow, I kept my eyes shut.

"Almost here Anna. Don't worry."

"Can-can you get Mikey?"

I opened one eyes to see his expression.

He was staring at me sadly, frowning. Almost pitiful.

"Anna." Ashton sighed, suddenly unable to look me in the eyes. "Michael doesn't want to see you."

Well, now the beeping definitely is steady anymore.



You must be confused.

Here- I'll tell you what happened as soon as we sat down in the waiting room and the others arrived.


-waiting room (2 days earlier.)-

"Where is she?" I heard Michael's voice before I saw him.

He burst into the waiting room, head whipping around, until his eyes landed upon me and Ashton.

Speeding towards us, he pulled me up, looking at me with dead serious eyes.

"Is she okay?" His voice shook.

I frowned. "I...I don't know."

Just then, the door flung open, and all the other piled in.

The waiting room was now full of us.

"It's going to be okay." Bell said, pulling Michael away from us to go sit down.

Just then, Harry carefully approached me.

He looked around before leaning down to talk to me.

"Can I talk to you? In...uh...private?" He sounded nervous, and that made me nervous.

Biting my lip, I nodded.

Harry blushed "stop doing that. That makes it so hard to control myself."

I blushed, looking down, unsure of what to say, or what to do for that matter.

"Over there." Harry whispered, gently grabbing my hand and pulling me forward.

I looked back at the others, only to see Luke staring at us,

Jealousy evident in his eyes.


"Make this quick Harry.' I grumbled, crossing my arms and leaning against the wall.

He stared at me for a bit, with a sad expression, and then he blinked hard, looking away.

We were hidden from the others sight, and when he turned back to me,

His green eyes were filled with tears.

"What did I do?" He cried. "What did I do wrong?"

"Oh...Harry." I felt my heart melt as he wiped his eyes.

"You didn't do anything wrong. You were the perfect first boyfriend, the perfect first date. I just couldn't hurt you. I would have hated myself, I would have never forgiven myself." My voice broke as I watched the boy in front of me slowly start to fall apart.

He hugged me then, picking me up slightly, his face pressed to my shoulder, mine to his neck.

"Carson. Please...." He let out a choked sob. "Can we at least be friends?"

He had this broken expression as he held me tightly, and something within me was urging myself to kiss him.

I pulled out of his grasp. " of course! We can be friends. Just...just after this."

I stand on my tiptoes just to be able to reach his face.

He leans down a little, and we kiss.

He kissed me hard, as if this was the last time.

Well, it probably it was, my hands slipped around his neck, his one hand on my waist, the other cupping my face.

I lost track of time as we pulled away, out of breath.I gave him a wink, and a pat on the shoulder.

"Hey, I'm Carson." I laughed. "Let's be friends.

"And I'm Harry. Let's be best friends."

I nodded, and he stuck out his arm. I looped mine through his and we walked over to the waiting room.

We parted, him sitting next to Zayn and Niall, me next to Sam and Luke.

Sam smirked as she leaned over to us. "You and Harry back together?"

I pretended to not notice Luke listening.

I smiled, licking my lips. "No. Just friends."

Sam gave me a sly smile. "Well then. You might want to fix your hair."

Blushing, I reached up to my hair. I hadn't even noticed Harry messing with it.

"Oh." I mumbled, running my fingers through my mess of light brown hair. "Thanks."

Luke tapped my shoulder.

I turned to him.

He grinned. "Want to some help?"

I nodded, he smoothed down my hair.

Blushing, I leaned back in my chair.

I closed my eyes, feeling somewhat complete.

Well, if I wasn't the hospital, or getting tracked down by my abusive family,

Then my life would feel even more complete.

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