Chapter 2

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When I got out a boy with light, curly brown hair was waiting there. His eyes were closed, and for a second, I was worried.

Than I remembered he was in the group of kids laugh at me.

Even though he wasn't laughing, it still stung.

"Wait." I stopped.

"Are you okay?" He said, appearing next to me.

"Fine. Why do you even care?" I spat.

"Cause those kids are jerks. D*cks." He said. I giggled.

"I'm Ashton.'


"Your not from around here, are you?"

"Nope. Ireland." I told him.

"Your accents cute."

I blushed.

"Lunch is about to start. Join me?"

"O-okay." Was this like a small date? No.

Just two kids eating lunch together.

When we got into the lunchroom, I saw Calum and that Luke kid. The girl, whose name is Isabella, was sitting in his lap. He looked comfortable.

And then he saw me staring.

"STOP DROOLING OVER ME NEWBIE. Never gonna happen!" He yelled. I take steps making, crashing into a chair and falling. Everyone was laughing.

I was not going to cry.

"Clumsy fool!"

"Just go back to where you came from!"


Ashton and another boy helped me up.

"You okay?" They asked.

"Yeah yeah." I waved them off.

"I'm Michael. Can I call you Car?"

"You may." I giggled, and he giggled.

We talked for the whole lunch. They were hilarious. And Calum kept staring at me.

And I hated it.

I hated him.

Luke kept looking over, mouthing rude things to me.

And I despised Luke Hemmings.


As the week went on, I became closer with Mike and Ash. Luke only get cruller.

He hit me once or twice, but mostly insulted me.

But It didn't bother me as much, now that I had Mikey and Ashton.

I got a job with Ashton at Starbucks.

One day, when the place was empty...

"ASHHH...." I complained. We didn't hear or see the boy come in.


"I'm bored." I stated, sitting on the counter. Ashton came up to me, and stood in front of me.

"We can do something else if...."

"I'm only 17...!" I teased, covering my ears. He giggled, kissing my cheeks, and than wrapped his arms around my waist, lifting me off the counter.


I spun around, and saw...LUKE?!?!

He glared at Ashton and stormed out.

I gave him a look, and he shrugged. "Can you lock up? I have band practice. With Mikey, Calum, and Luke."

I almost collapsed. "Your in a band with that prick?"

He shrugged, tossing me the keys.

When it was finally time to lock up, it was dark out.

I walked home alone, and soon, heard footsteps behind me. Nervous, I sped up, until someone grabbed me, pulling back into the alley. I started to scream.0, but his hand cut me off.

"This'll be quick. You won't fight."

"Let me go!" I cried.

"Shut up or else!"

I whimpered.

He came closer, putting his hand on my thigh, when someone tackled him.

The person is Luke.

Luke Hemmings saved me.

When the guy ran off, Luke came over to me.

"Are you okay?" He asks, and I think I see genuine concern in his eyes.

Maybe I'm just scared, and my eyes are playing tricks on me.

Or maybe he's not half bad.

Wait...scratch that.

"Why were you alone?" He questions. "Your so stupid. And don't tell anyone about this.

Your lucky I came along."

I guess I'm lucky. I just wish it was Ashton...even Calum.

Although, Luke's words sound fake. Not as harsh. "Okay." I whisper.

His face softens. "Don't do it again. I won't help.'

I nod, and try to refrain myself from crying.

I can't. As I start to let the tears roll down my face, I try to swallow the huge lump forming

in my throat.

"Be careful. Remember don't tell anyone. I'll walk you home." He said, putting up his hood. "I don't want anyone to know I was with you."

That hurt.

Not wanting to be seen with me.

Was I really that bad?

This weekend, I am going to change that.

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