Chapter 42

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Two more days.

We're having another party, and hopefully this one will be better.

So far, it's been really fun.

I've been dancing with Sam and Anna.

The guys have been performing.

Doing covers, some own songs.

Most of the songs I feel like are about me.

But I could be wrong.


I barely see Michael all night.

And I don't even see Bell here.

I wonder what happened? Did they fight? Does she have work?

I danced with Calum once, and I'm dancing with Ashton right now.

I'm leaning my head on his shoulder as I hear loud knocking at the door.

"Do you want me to get that?" I shout over Luke's singing.

Yeah, it's just him and Michael right now.

"Sure!" He yells, kissing the top of my head. "Be careful!"

I roll my eyes. "The door is down the hall!"

"Still!" The knocking grows louder.

Who ever is at the door is really starting to tick me off.

Impatient bastards.

I jog over to the door, fumbling with the lock.

"Hello?" I hear an irritated voice scream from the other side.

"Hold on a damn minute!" I scream, finally getting a grasp on the door.

I yank it opening, expecting the police or something.

Boy was I wrong.

The 5 smiling boys waved at me, taking my breath away.

"Hi! We' re One Direction!"

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