Chapter 80

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Damn it.

Damn it.

Damn you Carson.

I sigh, shoving my phone into my back pocket.

Michael was already paddling back to shore as I rested my head in my hands.

"I'm sorry." I bluntly said. "I ruined the date."

"You didn't ruin it." He sweetly said. "Nothing could possibly have ruined this."


"We had to leave anyway."

I looked away, back to the spot in the center of the lake where we just were.

I noticed we stopped moving, and I gave Michael a curious look.

"Anna." He leaned closer. "It's okay."

And he gave me a quick kiss, and I blushed as he pulled away.

"Okay."'I whispered.

He gave me a sly smile as he continued to head back to the shore.


I sat on a stool, uncomfortable.

Well, not uncomfortable, more....


Niall was chatting to a bartender, and I pulled on his sleeve.

He gave me a quick glance before he sat down, turning to me.

"The point of this is...?"

He sighed. "I'm sorry. It was the only place I could think of..."

I smiled. "It's okay." Even I could hear the disappointment in my voice.

Niall glanced down at his hands.

"Hey!" I said birghtly. "I know the perfect place."

He grinned at me. "Well, let's go then!"

He pulled me to the car, and quickly hopping in and pulling away.

I gave him directions.

We pulled into the park about 10 minutes later.

"Are park?" Niall asked, puzzled.

I rolled my eyes. "This isn't the best part doofus." I pulled up to the top of the tallest hill,

right under the willow tree.

Their was an amazing view, and I heard Niall sigh.

"It's beautiful."

I laughed. "I know London better than you!"

He rolled his eyes, but pulled me close. "If you weren't as funny and pretty, I'd be annoyed."

I'm pretty sure I was blushing.

He gave me a slight kiss on the corner of my mouth.

I stiffened, as a memory shot through me.


He did the same exact thing.



Sam let out a deep sigh, eyes squeezed shut.

"Okay." She said, staring at me now, her blue eyes dull. "I've always had problems at home."

Something I could relate to.

I nodded encouraging her to go on.

She talked about her parents fighting, sibling being annoying, her sibling leaving, and finally,

The death of her parents.

She didn't really go into detail.

And Anna was her only true friend before Carson came along.

Then everything changed.

It's funny,

Because Calum said the same exact thing.

Tears were filling up in Sam's eyes as she leaned onto me.

I gave her hug. "'s okay."

"You aren't good with comforting people are you?"

"No. I just, I feel so shitty for you. I know you don't deserve this. Frankly, no one deserves to have a

life like this, unless their truly a horrid person."

She let out a soft whimper.

"And your a sweet girl. With an amazing personality, and I want to get to know you. If we are

going to spend to weeks together... Might as well get to know each other, yeah?"

She slightly nodded, looking up at me.

"Thank you Louis."

I gave her a small smile. "Anytime love."

And then she pressed her lips to mine.

It lasted only for a few seconds, afterwards she leaned her head on my chest.

"Sam." I said, after a few moments passed.

No reply.

I realized she was asleep.

I got myself into a comfortable position, and drifted off into a pleasant dream of a certain

blue eyed girl.



"Carson." Luke said wearily. "Does this have anything to do with your dreams?"

Ashton and Calum gave him a bewildered look.

"It has to do with everything really." I said embarrassed.

Will I ever learn to shut up?

"Carson...I don't think we are the best people to be talking to." Ashton said, concerned.

"Guys." I reassured. "It's nothing, really. Forget I said anything."

The stayed silent as we continued to watch the television, but I could feel them staring at me.

I shut my eyes, letting my mind drift back.

But the memory that came to my mind was recent.


Luke handed me bottle after bottle, until I was so drunk I couldn't see.

I was babbling, on and on, until I was finally to tired.

I think Luke may have been relived.

He picked me up, carrying me up the steps and onto my bed.

He gave me a soft kiss. "Goodnight."

I gave him a nervous grin. "Luke." I whined, clutching his arms so he couldn't leave.

The images from the movie came flooding back, and everywhere I looked, there was something


He pouted. "Yes Carson?"

I gave him an even cuter pout.


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