Chapter 76

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His kiss was desperate as he pressed his lips to mine.

But I was desparate too, so I kissed back.

But I pulled away from Luke, knowing what was bound to happen. "Luke." I breathed.

"You know this can't happen."

He faltered. "So?"

"So it can't!"

Anna sent me a glare, like I'm-trying-to-watch-a-movie-shut-the-f**k-up glare.

I blushed, turning back to Luke.

"If you truly loved me..."

"Cut the crap Luke.." I said, pulling him into the kitchen with me. "Have you been drinking?"

I smelled the faint scent of alcohol on him.

He gave me a toothy grin. "Yeah."

Putting my hands on my hips, "Lucas!" I scolded.

"What? You want some?"

I smirked. "Hell yeah."


As I got ready, Anna walked in.

"Where have you been?" I shouted.

"With Mikey. You kept me up!"

I blushed. "Sorry."

Then her words sunk in.

"YOU AND MIKEY?" She lunged towards me.


"Did you guys.." I wiggled my eyebrows.

He cheeks and ears reddened. "No!"

I giggled as she threw a pillow a me.

We got dressed, and I had a black blink-182 tshirt on and gray leggings.

Anna put on a gray Metallica tank top and black leggings.

I out my hair in loose curls, and Anna's was in waves.

"Girls!!" I heard Calum yell. "Get your lazy asses down here before we leave."

Grabbing our suitcases, we sprinted down the steps.

Sam and bell stood side by side, teary eyed.

I ran up to Sam first, throwing my arms around her.

"Make sure they don't get arrested!" I cried.

"I won't!" She sobbed.

"Don't get into trouble. Watch Harry, stay safe, and I love you."

"It's only for two days!" Ashton groaned.

"And the nights!" Bell sniffled.

I gave her a hug too. "Don't get arrested. Don't help others get arrested!"

"No promises!" She wailed.

"Be careful, stay safe, watch Harry for me, and I love you!"

"I love you."

I walked over to the One Direction lads, giving them hugs too.

"I'll miss you babe." Harry said, whispering into my ear as he hug me tightly.

He lifted me up slightly.

"I'll miss you more."

"That's impossible."

I kissed him, because I don't think I could be anymore in love with him than I am now.

He smiled into the kiss, but broke away.

"I love you."

"I love you more." He grinned.

"There so much I still want to do with you." He said. "But..."

My cheeks reddened. "Harry!" I squeaked.

I pulled away slightly, but he pulled me close, kissing me once more.

It was a French kiss, (I'm such a loser I call it a French kiss), and pulled me up.

I wrapped my legs around his waist, and I heard whistling behind me.

And I was pulled away from Harry.

By Luke.

"Get on the bus." He growled.

I nodded. "Bye Harry."

And I left.



"What the hell?" I said, whirling on Harry.

"Damn. She's a good kisser." He dreamily said.

We were the only ones left, so I could hit him now.

"I can only imagine her in bed."

"You dick!"

"Sorry, it slipped. I don't think about that...a lot."

I bit my lip. Harry wasn't a bad guy.

Maybe Carson was better off with him anyways.



Carson went straight to the bathroom, and I sat on the couch with Mikey.

"What do you want to do? We have an hour before we leave."

"Let's go somewhere." I said, my eyes unfocused.

Michael smiled, and grabbed my hand.


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