Chapter 115

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We arrive at the award show about 45 minutes later. There was an awkward silence in the car, Carson and Niall murmuring to each other, as was Bella and Zayn and Liam. Other then that, everyone was silent.

I was thinking about Roman. It wasn't fair really, I should've been able to bring him. And Anna should have gone with Michael. It was hard explaining this all to Roman, but I was glad he got it.

He is so sweet, he sent me a bunch of texts over the course of the day reminding me I would do fine and that I look beautiful no matter what.

In my clutch, I feel a vibration. Letting out a small sigh of relief, (I was hoping he would text) I pull out my phone.

Roman❤️: you'll do great babe. I'm watching for you.

I blush and put my phone back in my bag. My nervousness sky rockets, now that I know he will be watching. Michael gives me a smile and a small nod as he gets up, holding out his hand.

"Ready ma'am?" He asks, a goofy smile on his face.

I sigh, my hands slightly shaking as I take his hand.




Everyone climbs out of the limo, and I can already hear the roar of the crowd.

Bright, white flashes of the paparazzi blind me for a couple of moments until I finally am able to get used to.

Carson shields her eyes and stumbles forwards, nearly falling.

Niall grabs her just before she does and pulls her close, kissing her head slightly.

I hear a small "aw" from the excited crowd, and numerous calls from the paps.

"Are you two a thing?"

"Carson are the rumors true about your family?"

"Luke do you hate Carson?"

"Anna are you done with Michael?"

"Bella do you cut?"

"Louis do you love Anna?"

"Bell do you have a boyfriend?"

"Sam do you really sleep around?"

"Ashton are you jealous of Bella and Zayn?"

I don't know where the paps hear this stuff, but knowing someone out there has started these rumors hurts.

Harry must've seen me frown because he pulls me close.

"Just remember, you're amazing." He whispers.

I smile up at him. "Thank you."

He grins and loops his arm through mine.

I see Carson wink at me, and I'm happy she's okay with Harry and I acting like this.

From behind her I see Luke's shoulders slouch forward, and he pouts. Poor guy, he's dug himself a hole that too deep to get out of.


The carpet and pictures seem to go on forever, until it ends.

"C'mon, at least look like you're having fun." I hear Carson beg Luke.

He turns and glares at her, now that the camera's are gone.

"Listen Car. Can't you get the f**king fact that I don't want you in my life anymore? Just stay away. LEAVE. ME. ALONE." He spits out the words like venom, and the look on Carson's face is almost unbearable to watch as she frowns and eyes well up.

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