Chapter 92

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I could still hear Niall singing as I jumped into Luke's arms.

My body shook as I sobbed.

"Carson." Luke soothed, holding me tightly. "It's okay."

I sobbed into his shoulder. "It's not true."

"What?" He pulled away, holding my shoulders and bending down slightly to look at me.

"It's not true. What about my little things? No one could ever love those. No one could ever love

me!" I sob. "And I'm so sorry Luke. I messed up."

Everything seemed to click now.

I knew the exact problem.


"Carson." He mumbled. "I love you.'

I stiffened. "Thank you Luke."

He sadly smiled. "I'll go get you something to drink and tissues okay? Stay here."

As he was leaving,

"I love you too Luke." I whispered.

But no one could hear.


A certain memory came to mind as Luke left.

"Carson." My mom laughed, as she shoved me down the steps.

"I need to show you something." She said with a smile.

The smile that scared me.

I was only 13, yet I knew exactly what was about to happen.

Something bad.

My hands were clenched into tight fists as my mother herded me into the kitchen, stepping

on the backs of my heels as we went.

"Ow." I grumbled.

I saw my brother, hunched over at the table, doing something.

Relief filled me.

He would help me.

He turned to look at us, a cigarette hanging from his mouth.

He had been sniffing something, and his stumbled as he stood up.

Fear rocketed through me.

How could he leave me like this?

Out in the dust...

"No." I said as I backed away, eyes teary. "No!"

My mother and brother laughed. "Quite a twist, yeah?"

"No." I screamed, backing myself into a corner as salty tears flooded down my cheeks.

"Why?" I whispered.

My brother smirked. "I realized something Carson."

"I was wrong." He spat, voice full of so much venom, I winced, my mouth tightly shut to contain

my sobs. I shook as he spoke again.

"You were wrong about me too. I never loved you Carson."

I whimpered. He roughly yanked me up, and I scratched my elbow the chair next to me.

"No one will ever love you Carson."


I fell to my knees, biting lip to refrain from crying.

Stop it. I told myself.

Stop it.

"Carson?" Luke asked, alarmed as he appeared next to me. He was with

someone. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." My voice wobbled as I lied.

Nope. I thought to myself.

I'm really not fine at all.

Can't you see that Luke?

Can't you help me?

From this nightmare....

I call my past?

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