Chapter 88

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Luke had gotten up and silently walked out about 10 minutes ago.

I stared at nothing, my hands tightly wrapped around my cup.

I got up to leave, Morgan waving at me.

I wave back.

And then I hear the girls.

The screaming, and threats.

And compliments.


"OMG she's so pretty!"

"Can I be her?"

"Ugly whore!"

"Kill yourself-it'll do us all a favor!"

"Shut up!"

"Go away!"

"Leave my men alone!"

"Can I have some of what you have?"

"Your no good!"

"You don't deserve Harry!"

"Can I have a picture?"

"I love you!"

"Go die!"

As the rushed towards me, everything seemed to go in slow motion.

I turned and ran, cutting corners, diving in alleys.

I couldn't loose these girls!

Their like animals!

"Stop! Please?"

"Carson help!"

That one made me slow down.

But I had to keep going, or I would be trampled, hurt, or even killed.

I started to sprint.

I could see the parking lot...

The bus calling to me.

The girls started to stop.

I let out a sigh of relief,

Until one voice cut above all the others.

"You don't deserve any of them! Especially Luke."

I felt a wall inside me being ripped down, my heart dropping like a rock.

She was right.



Carson stumbled onto the bus, obviously annoyed. And upset.

I looked at Mikey.

"Hey you alright?" I asked.

She brushed by me, and shut herself in the bathroom.

Michael shrugged as I looked at him, and we went back to watching our show.

We were watching Pretty Little Liars, but only because I made him.

I leaned on his shoulder, intertwining our hands.

He looked down at me, smiling.

I felt the urge to kiss him, and I'm pretty sure he felt the same.

We leaned forward and.....


I jumped, my forehead hitting Michael's.

He winced.

"Sorry." I mouthed, reaching into my pocket.

It was...


And then Mikey's phone rung.

"Who is it?" I mouthed.

"Bell." He whispered.

Oh no. This can't be good.

I hit the answer button, and got up and walked to the back of the bus.

"Nialler?" I asked.

"Anna?!?" Niall's voice was urgent.

"Yes?" I snapped.

"I need your advice."




"I want to take her out..."

"She loves pizza. And Chinese food, and Italian!"

"Great. There's this awesome Italian place right around our next stop."

I could practically feel his joy.

"Can you call me again later? I'm a little busy." I apologized.

"Yeah. I have to go plan out what I'm gonna do. And what to say. Oh my god! What do

I wear?" Niall rambled.

I laughed. "Bye Niall."

He sighed. "Bye."

I laughed as I put my phone away, and walked back over to Michael.

He was laughing, hard.

"Okay. See you later. Yeah, I love you too."

Jealousy surged through me.

We weren't boyfriend and girlfriend status yet,

But it still stung.

Tears prickling my eyes, hands clenched, I turned on my heel, furiously wiping my eyes

as I headed towards the bathroom.

"Carson!" I weakly shouted. "Let me in."

"Go away." She said, sniffling, voice muffled.

I sigh, deciding to go back to Michael.

I sat down on the couch, not as close to him.

My hands were knotted together in my lap as I stared at the ground.

"What did Bell want?"

"Just some advice. What about Niall?" Michael asked.


He smiled. "I see a ship on the horizon!"

I playful shoved him, and he smiled.

But who was he talking to?

"Who else called?" I questioned.

He shrugged. "Just..." He paused, clearing his throat.

"It was just Sam."

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