Chapter 112

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I drop to the ground, head in my hands. Letting out a sigh, i squeeze my eyes shut.

Maybe he didn't mean it. Maybe he was slightly drunk, or he felt compelled to do that so he wouldn't have to face my family.

Either way, it still hurt.

Correction, it hurts like hell. It stings- a mind-numbing pain.

I knew- I should've braced myself- that this day would come. Everyone I love has left me, so why shouldn't Luke do the same?

"Carson?" I hear a voice whisper.

Looking up, wiping at my eyes and still refusing to cry, I see Michael standing uncomfortably in the doorway.

"Sorry." I mumbled, standing up and wiping at my eyes once more. "I'll- uh, I'll leave now."

Michael shuts the door, standing in front of it. "No, talk to me. What happened?"

I let out a sigh- probably of relief, and drop back down to the floor.

"Luke basically dumped me. Called me a bitch and worse than IsaBella and told me to stay away from him." I lamely said, crossing and then uncrossing my legs.

Michael's mouth drops open slightly. "Well that was a dick move."

I let out a fake laugh. "Yeah, tell me about it."

Michael gives me a serious look. "He'll get over this Carson. He just needs time and space, okay?"

I nod. "But for how long?" I whine. "What if he really doesn't love me anymore?"

Michael sighed. "Then maybe he wasnt the right guy for you."

Swallowing, I stand up nodding. "Thanks Michael. I don't know what I would do without you."

"You'd probably be in jail or dead."

Rolling my eyes, I smile as I leave. "Sure. You keep thinking that."

As I shut the door, I hear him call out. "It's true!"

I let out a slight chuckle, and walk down the dimly lit hall.

Watch out Hemmings. If it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get.



Glancing down at the picture Ashton had just posted with me, bell, and Anna in it, I nervously bit my lip as the hate started to roll in.

@.mashton_feelz : Bella is honestly such a wannabe. She can stop, uh, now.

@ _lirry.lashton._ : who is that fat blonde? Stop trying to be like Sam bitch.

@ 5sos.hakiu.1d : Bella can go kill herself

@ calm1dcon: you all need to stop being rude, Bella is a human with feelings and deserves just as much respect as everyone else.

@ the.real.Larry : 5sos are just a bunch of players- look they got another slut to mess with. Bella you can go die

Turning off my phone after following some of The nicer users, I blink away tears.

I knew I was imperfect, but was it that obvious? I knew I had faults, but did they have to point them out?

Burying my face in my hands, I felt just as helpless as I did when Jess use to exclude me.

I was a worthless person, and I just needed to realize that. Maybe the reason Jess tried to shut me out was because I was so horrible. I was an ugly, fat person. Maybe I deserved to have been with Matt, because I was a slut and gross and ugly. Everything- every single mean thing- people have ever said about me, maybe it was all true.

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