Chapter 86

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I leave before Harry is released.

I return to the bus, yet I don't want to.

I'm hyper, my leg can't stop bouncing up and down as I sit next to Ashton.

He gives me a weird look. "I think we should go check on Harry. He's leaving soon."

I nod, eager to go somewhere, even though I just left.

He grabs head as we walked through the big parking lot.

I jump backwards as a car zooms by, narrowly missing me.

"Be careful." Ashton whispers, his warm breath fanning onto my neck, and I shiver, a grim

smile coming across my face.

"Yeah." I reply, my sudden eagerness disappearing.

A feeling dread starts to fill me, although I don't know why.

My shoulders sag, and Ashton pulls me closer.

"You alright?" He asks, worriedly.

"Yeah." I sigh. "Ashton...? How well did you know Sydney?"

His cheeks reddened. "She was my first 4th grade."

"How cute!" I coo. "Young love."

"Yeah." He sarcastically says, opening the hospitals front doors for me. "Something like that."

I take it that it wasn't as lovey dovey as I thought.

I rolled my eyes at him, yet thanked him anyway.

A rush of cool air cut through the sleeves of my black cardigan.

I pulled It tighter around my maroon tshirt.

And then I saw Harry, sitting alone in a chair.

His eyes were closed, his curls laying flat on his forehead.

A mental "AWWW!" Went of in my head.

I ran towards him, only to trip over the black laces of my all black vans and black


I sat down quietly next to him.

"Harry?" I whispered.

One eyes opened, and a smile came across his face as he saw me.

"Car!" He exclaimed.

I brushed his curls out of his face. "Are you feeling better?"

He swallowed hard. "Yeah. I can't sing for 3 days though!"

I pouted. "Poor Hazza. And the fans of course."

The fans who had been waiting outside had to be escorted away. Around the second day,

they finally all left.

"It's gonna be a while. We need to fill out a lot of paper work."

Ashton Had come up behind me. "I'll help." He volunteered.

Harry nodded at him, and directed him to where he should go.

Slight disappointment and relief filled me as I realized I could leave.

"I'm gonna go Haz." I said, kissing his cheek. "Sorry."

He smiled, a full-on-dimpled grin.

"It's okay." He kissed my cheek back. "Bye."

I had a no kissing on the lips while sick rule, by the way.

I left, hands shoved in my pockets, head down.

I hated hospitals.

They brought back memories I didn't want to think about.

Memories like this one:

A cry erupted from my throat as my eyes snapped open, only to be blinded by the sudden light.

My brother leapt from his chair. "You're awake!"

His voice thundered in my ears, ricocheting in my head.

I fell back. "W-what happened?"

I racked my brain for why I was here.


My brothers face dropped. "You and dad" his voice cracked. "Got in a car crash."

I felt my heart lurch. "What?"

And it all came back.

Unable to control myself, l flung myself forward, and threw up whatever was left in my system.

Tears sprung into my eyes as my brother comfortingly patted my back.

"It's going to be okay." He reassured me.

I had believed him at the time.

And I shouldn't have, because

No it's not.


Carson stumbled onto the bus, dull eyes and a sullen face.

I gave her a frown. "What's wrong?"

"Where's the closest Starbucks?" She asked.

"Down the street..." I replied, annoyed at her for ignoring my question. "Why?"

She pulled me up, giving me a forced smile.

"Let's go."

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