Chapter 52

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The house was silent.

Everytime I'd walk around, I'd see Sam and Calum talking in hushed voices.

Anna giving Luke comforting hugs. Or Sam giving Ashton a little kiss on the cheek.

And Bell.

Bell was there, not for Mikey, or me, but all the others.

That stung.

Because I really did think she liked me as a friend.

Ashton kept giving me these longing looks.

And I felt horrible.

I could barely live with out them for 2 hours.

How was I going to last the 2 weeks of the tour I wouldn't be their for?

Mikey and I sat in his room, quiet for most of the day.

We sat on either side of the room, backs against the wall.

It wasn't until I started to cry did he speak up.

"I think boys and girls are equally confusing." He said, not meeting my tear filled eyes.

I gave him a what-the-hell-I'm-crying-you-bastard look.

He shrugged, and my eyes flickered down the to the hole I was picking at in my black

skinny jeans.

"I feel like a bigger bitch than ever before." I sigh.

Michael's sad eyes stare at me. "Tell me about it."

I couldn't decide what his words meant. So I decided to babble on.

"I love Luke. And I mean that. But Ashton, I can't just leave him in the dust. Because

I really like him too. And I don't even know where Calum even is in all of this."

I put my head in my hands. "I'm so f**ked up."

Michael's sad eyes were now tear filled. "Don't say that stuff about yourself. Because you'll

start to believe your nothing."

I couldn't meet his eyes.

It wouldn't help me. To see another person I made sad.

He continued speaking. "Because you really are something."

I crawled over to him then, and gave him a hug.

"I love you Mikey. Your the best friend anyone could ask for."

I stood up, my big green sweater sliding over my hands.

"I'm going to go talk to Luke. And Ashton. And Calum." I sighed.

Just before I left, I heard Michael speak.

"If you really loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second."

Well That wasn't helpful.

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