Chapter 85

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I fall back onto my heels, then drop hard on my bottom.

My breath is caught in my throat as I stare at Michael, Bewildered.

"What-" I clear my throat. "What do you mean?"

"You act like her Carson...and Anna you look like her, and dress like her." Michael wouldn't,

couldn't, look at us.

Anna wouldn't look either. She's walled hard, and I swear I saw a tear slip down her cheek.

"Anna?" I whispered, dumb founded.

Yeah, I felt bad for the poor guy. Yeah, the story was sad.

But I saw multiple tear slip down Anna's cheeks. She closed her eyes, breathing deeply,

as if she knew her or something.

And suddenly,

I thought,

Maybe, she did.

After all, there was a time before I got here, and there will be after.



I think back to one of my fondest memories of Sydney.

We were doing some jump rope at recess.

I was the last one to go, and the worst part was, I stunk.

As I stood nervously next to the rope, Sydney's determined eyes stared at me.

"It's okay." She mouthed, flipping her dark hair away from her light brown eyes.

I shivered, but signaled the girls to start.

They started to count as I jumped.

I don't know how long I jumped for, but I kept seeing Sydney flashing me a thumbs up,

or a quick smile.

It gave me hope, which eliminated my fear.

Hope really is the only thing stronger than fear.

And suddenly, Sydney disappeared. My head whipped around, searching for the girl

I thought was my good luck charm.

Next thing I know,'I was on the ground, the rope hopelessly tangled around my feet.

The wind was knocked out of me, and the bell rang, and all they year 4's (except me of course,)

raced to the lunch room.

I let out a cry, but no one noticed me.

Then a pair, of pink converse appeared in front of me.


She crouched down, looking me in the eyes, apologetically smiling.

"Sorry, someone needed me." Her voice sounded so sincere...

She helped me, brushed the dirt off and helping me untangle myself.

I was grateful, even though she got me into the mess, she came back.

"I hope you aren't angry."

I shook my head.

She grinned. "On the way home, I have a new song we can listen to."

Her smile was sly, so I beamed back.

"Okay?" She asked.

"Okay." I nodded.


The memory wasn't the best, I know.

But Sydney wasn't exactly the best character to go running to, and I learned it the hard way.

And Michael, it seemed, did too.



Sam was released in the next 6 hours, but Harry had come down with something. So Zayn, Niall

Bell, Carson, and Calum stayed with him.

Liam, Sam and I went back to the bus.

We laid Sam down on the couch, she was asleep, and went to the corner to talk.

"So..." It felt awkward with Sam right there.

"Any new gossip?" Liam gushes, acting like a girl.

I blush. "Uhm..I think I may like this girl."

Liam pauses. "I think I may like Sam."

My face drops. "No...I like Sam." I say forcefully.

He chuckles. "Aye. So do I mate."

He was challenging me.

"Yeah...and I'm pretty sure she likes me too." I boasted.

"You didn't know that I talked to her almost the whole time when she was in the hospital, right?"

My stomach twisted, tying it's self into knots. "Yeah? So? I know about her past."

Liam smirked. "So do I."

I couldn't stop myself from tackling him to the ground.



My legs were in Niall's lap as I relaxed against the chair, eyes closed.

"Your pretty when you have your hair like that." Niall whispered.

I slightly opened my eyes to look at him, making sure if he was serious.

He was.

"Like what? Messy?" I teased.

"It's hot." He snickered, and I felt my cheeks warm.

" someone embarrassed?" Niall joked.

I playful smacked him. "Shut up. And no."

"Uh huh." He laughed, avoiding my kick.

Carson came rushing in, panting heavily.

"How is he? Where is he?"

"Carson." Calum said, appearing behind her.

She spins around to face him.

"Carson." He repeats, calmer now. "He's getting real else's in an hour."

She let's out sigh of relief, collapsing into a chair.

I turn to her, ignoring Niall's protests.

"How have you been?" I dare to ask, knowing we were still in hot water with each other.

She slightly smiled, not meeting my eyes.

Suddenly, she sighed, shoulders slouching.

"Like shit." She laughed, only make me slight creeped and nervous.

"I'm a mess. Everything,"

She paused, maybe for effect, or maybe she was searching for the right words

"Everything is going downhill, slipping out of my finger tips like sand,

And slipping away from me."

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