Chapter 8

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Why, why would he say that?

He doesn't even like me!

Does he want to ruin my life? Cause that's what it seems like.

He'll probably pretend he's totally in love with me, and then break my heart.

I turn around and tell Sam and Anna to go have fun.

"Promise you'll tell us everything?" Anna asks.

I laugh. "Promise."

"Every single detail!" Sam calls as I push them away.

And then I turn to face Luke.

Everything seems to go in slow motion as Luke walks towards me, the crowd


It feels like a freaking movie scene.

I put my hand on my hip.

"Carson!" He says.

"Luke!" I mockingly say.

He rolls his eyes. "Nice to see you too."

"Cut the crap Luke. What the hell were you just talking about with your girlfriend?"

"Woah! You could've left the bi*chyness as home!"

I want to slap him, but instead, I chuckle. "I take it with me everywhere!"

"Do you want a drink?"

I wink. "How about two? I'll be outside."

He walks off, and I wander to the outdoors.

I spot Michael, and wave. He gives me a grin and a wave then

continues talking to Anna.

Anna blushes once she sees me wink. Honestly, I ship it.

I walk over to a tree with a tire swing, and sit down on it.

I stare up at the sky as I wait for Luke.

I wonder where Ashton is.

"Here ya go! Two "fruit punches"." Luke sings.

"Isn't someone happy? And this better have alcohol in it!"

"It does! I've had some."

I smile at him as I take a sip.

And for the first time, we actually talk normally together.

Everything is alright.

But how did it all go downhill so quickly?

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