Thank You!!! (and a sneak peek!)

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I want to really thank you guys- you've gotten me 20k reads. That's absolutely insane.

I never expected to get this far- or publish this many chapters. 😂

But I'm here, and all of this true.

I'll never be able to thank you enough...this book helped me a lot more than you would've imagined.

And I just would like to clarify two things:

1) yes, Bella is a real person who really committed suicide. And that was her suicide note. I loved her, she was an amazing person who never really told me who she truly felt...but I should've realized it. I miss you Bella, fly high,okay?

And here is some good news...

2) THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL!! I would not leave you hanging like that😄

It will be called Voodoo Doll 2 , (very creative I know), and will be up sometime in April.

It will be probably just as long as Voodoo Doll and will take place a few weeks later after Bella's death.

You should all check it out!

And...I'll give you a short excerpt from the first chapter. But before you read, please note that all the chapters will be in Carson's POV unless it says it changes:

I stand, my body numb and completely still as I watch the coffin lower into the ground.

Not one of her old friends or family members came. It was sad really.

Zayn and Sam stood next to me, and I could hear sniffles coming from everyone.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I twisted around to see Niall.

I couldn't keep a straight face any longer as he pulled me to him in a bone crushing hug, and my sobs betrayed me, slipping out as my tears wet his suit.

From mp behind us, I could see Luke sad eyes, still a pale, beautiful blue, yet so full of emotion. I shut my eyes, in a desperate attempt.

A desperate attempt to shut myself away from everything, or I will fall apart.

And that's it! It will probably be edited by the time you fully read it..but I hope your excited! Cause I sure am!


I love you guys, thanks for all your support through this story, it means everything to me.

See you in April, with a 2 Voodoo Doll. But until then, stay safe guys. And suicide is never ever the answer, so please never even think or try and commit. Because once it's do everything, it's done. You're gone. No coming back.

I love you guys, and Voodoo Doll 2 will be up before you know it! ❤️

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