Chapter 5

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In the next two days, I realize why she changed so much.


She teases him now, but it's never as mean as he is to her. A few crude remarks here and there is, but Luke torments her.

At least she's sticking up for herself.

Around Mikey and I, she's still the same Carson.

* * *

On Wednesday, Michael comes up to me.

"Did you ask her yet?"

I give him a confused look. ""

He sighs. "Coming to the cabin house?"

"Oh! Yeah-should I tell her you-know-who is coming?"

"It's only fair."

I pout. "I know. But- what if...she doesn't..." I trail off.

"She'll come for you buddy."

I nod as he walks off, still not convinced.


I sat down in class, the first one there. And then Luke walks in.

He gives me a warm smile and sits down next to me, wrapping his strong

Arm around my waist and kissing me on the head. I smile and look up at him.

"I love you baby." He says.

"I love you too."

And we start to lean in...getting closer and closer....

The sound of someone pulling out their chairs snaps me back to reality.

Luke shoots me a smirk, making a L sign at me.

"Your so childish." I growl.

"And you kissed my bestfriend, s**t!"

"I am not!"

"And you slept with Calum!"

A horrified look comes across my face. "I did not!" I shriek.

He let's out a louder laugh than he should.

"And now your a liar!"

Tears formed in my eyes. "Stop." I mumbled.

He opened his mouth, then closed it. He just glared at me, until his look softened.

"There's a rumor about it."

"I heard." I cried. "I'm some s**t that doesn't deserve anything! I'm just trying to make

you jealous, apparently, and I'm ugly! And I'm a b***h! I know! I know the rumors!"

I shove my head in my hands, crying.

The look on Luke's face is priceless, but I can't seem to laugh at it.

I let out a strangled, soft sob and Luke looks even more desparate.

"Please shut up." He begged.

Woah ladies, this gentleman is single everybody! I wonder why?

I sent him a glare as I jumped up and ran out of the room.

* * *

When my face looks better, I walk out of the bathroom.

And to my surprise, Luke is sitting there.

"How long does it take?" He laughed. "To get ready, I mean."

"A long time." I say.

"It doesn't help you much."

"Why are you even here?" I snap.

"Listen, bit- I mean Carson. Wanna come to a party tonight?"


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