Chapter 35

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"CALUM!" I yelled over the music.

He was fuming. "Carson." He said, through gritted teeth. "We need to talk."

I gave Luke an apologetic look as I got up. He just shrugged.

We asked outside. "What?" I yelled.

"Why'd you leave me Sam?" He asked.

"Because you were alone, she was alone..." I trailed off.

"So? I was just fine on my own."

"I knew you wouldn't understand." I muttered, walking back inside.

"Carson!" He called after me, but I ignored him.

Once I got back inside, I couldn't seem to find Luke.

Then, I saw him with Sam.

Dancing. Really close.

Clenching my fists, I turned away from the sight.

I walked around, and saw a red headed girl sitting alone.

Was that Michael's friend?

I saw confusion in her eyes.

"I'm Carson. One of Mikey's friends." I explained.

"Oh. I'm Bell. Do you know where he is?" She asked, sounding quite nervous.

"No. Sorry."

"I'm going to go check the bar. It was nice talking to you!"

And just like that, I was alone again.

Anna and Ashton, Sam and Luke seemed to be having lots of fun.

Calum appeared, sitting down across from me.

"Now your alone. What happened?"

"I don't feel like talking about it Cal." I sighed.

"Is it Sam and Anna? Sam couldn't take her eyes off Luke."

I stare at him. "Why didn't you tell me that?!?"

"I didn't think you would want to know."

"I'm leaving." I said, standing up.

"You can't walk home."

"I can and I will."

"I'll get the others, and we'll drive."


The whole car ride home consisted of flirting.

Between Luke and Sam.

And Anna and Ashton.

That night, Ashton and Luke never came back Into the room.

The next morning, they wouldn't met my eyes.

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