Chapter 109

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Carson dropped to the floor, a mess of tears.

"Guys..." Michael trailed off. "Our show!"

Bending down, I bit my lip. "We'll get a cab. This will take 10 minutes okay? Just go."

Bella looked down at Carson nervously, before nodding. " he's right, someone should stay. But, Do you want me to stay?"

I shook my head. "No. I..I think I should."

Carson's hands were tightly wound in my shirt as she lay on the ground, shaking.

"She's a mess." Anna warned. "Don't be late to the show Hemmings."

I held one hand up in surrender, my other placed lightly on Carson's back, slightly smiling. "Wouldn't think of it, ma'am."

Anna gave me a grin before pulling open the door and waving as she left.

Everyone stayed in there places, staring at Carson as she started to calm down.

"C'mon dipshits! We have a show to get to." Anna called out.

Quickly, everyone grabbed their stuff and scrambled to leave.

Bella took one last, long look at Carson before turning away, and shutting the door.

Leaving us alone.


"Carson, c'mon Car, you have to get up. Tell me what's wrong." I soothed, running my finger through her hair.

She was crying anymore, just breath heavily and trembling.

"I can't believe I did that." She said, sniffling.

"What?" I asked, helping her sit up.

"I cannot believe I broke down in front of everyone- the very thing I promised myself I would not let happen."

"You...why?" I asked, quite confused.

"I feel weak whenever I do that. I spent my whole life getting beaten for being weak- annoying- just being a pain. So I promised myself I would never let myself be weak- I built these walls around me, so if I was weak- I would just be hurting myself and not the ones I care about."

I looked at her, we sat in silence for a while.

"Carson, you don't have to be strong around me." I leaned forward, giving her a slight hug.

She pushed me away, giving me a lopsided smile. "You're so cheesy- it's bothers me."

I roll my eyes. "Sure."

"No need for sarcasm, fringe boy."

"Hey! My fringe was pretty amazing."

She shrugged, averting her eyes and grinning.

I cleared my throat, not wanting to ruin the mood but knowing I had to. "Carson, you have to tell me what happened."

Carson stiffened, sighing before answering me. She looked up at me through her eyelashes, her eyes a pale green/gray/brown in the sunlight. She looked so weary, so innocent, so...upset.

"My family isn't just after me anymore." Her voice shook. "Their after my friends now too."

It felt like a slap across the face.

"And their not going to stop until someone gets hurt."

I hoped she meant like a Black eye or something, but I knew, she meant something even worse.

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