Chapter 106

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"Who the hell is this?" Michael slurred, eyeing Bella.

Bella blushes, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Her name is Bella. And she'll be staying with us for a while." I sternly say, shoving Michael down in a chair. "And you're drunk."

"Well no shit." He laughs, still examining Bella.

"Whose this?" Anna asks, walking in, a little wobbly I might add.

"Did you have a drink?" I exclaimed, through in up my arms. "She was with us when we got on the bus!"

Anna blushed. "Luke convinced me to get one."

"Now you chose to listen to him?" I say, exasperated.

She shrugs, and hurriedly brushes by Michael.

He longingly stared after her before pushing himself up. "I'm going to bed. Wake me when the world ends."

But as he's leaving, I hear him mumble. "Even though it already has for me."


Bella looks up at me, running a hair brush through her hair. "You really don't need to do this."

"You're right. But I should, and I am anyway." I bluntly say, shrugging.

I point to a pull-out couch. "You can sleep there for now."

She bites her lip, looking down and puts down her brush.

"Thank you." She breathes, looking back up at me with tear filled eyes. "Maybe I should tell you why I was so upset at the club."

I lean forward on my elbows, smirking. I gestured to the empty room around us. "Quick, before Anna gets back."

Bella gave me a lopsided smile, before shucking in a deep breath. "Okay. So I have- had, this boyfriend. His name was Matt. And he- always-" her voice broke. "He alway wanted to do it. And I let him always take advantage of me. And I let him. He always made me wear short, tight dresses, inappropriate clothing. Then he'd always take me home and know." She swallowed hard. "I never enjoyed it. But he made me. Forced me...and one time he got my dad involved when I refused." A sob escaped her lips. "My dad hit me. And made me do it, making sure I pleasured Matt. Matt would always insult me afterwards, and just abused me. I felt so disgusted with myself. So tonight, I told Matt off. Slapped him and everything. So he left me there after he had slapped me back, then took some blonde slut home."

I turned away, disgusted. She full on sobbing now, into her hands.

"I'm a slut. He almost got me pregnant!I'm a disgusting human being. I shouldn't be alive." She screamed.

I didn't question the almost part, not wanting her to feel worse.

"No, no Bella. didn't deserve any of that. I don't even know you that well, but I know...I know you're a great person." I soothed, awkwardly patting her arm.

She sniffled, looking up. "Thanks. If you don't mind, I'll be getting to bed now."

I nodded, watching her get up and leave.

I turned away, shuddering.

How could someone be so rude? So, demanding? I feel so bad for her. And here I was, feeling sorry for myself.

Pff, I didn't even know.

Standing up, I heard a creak.

Head whipping over to the sound of the noise, I saw Anna standing in the doorframe, her wet hair hanging in front of her face.

Her eyes were wide, one of her hands covering her mouth, and her towel was in a heap on the ground.

"C-Carson." Anna stuttered, eyes full of tears.

I sighed, licking my lips nervously. "Did you hear everything?"

Nodding, Anna crossed over to me. "But that's not it!" She whispered.

I let out a groan. "What else could be so horrific?"

"I - I saw Sam." Her voice sharply cut off, her breathing suddenly becoming heavy. "And Michael. K-kissing!"

She burst into tears.

I hugged her. "Oh Anna. Michaels just drunk. He does stupid things while he's drunk. He acts on impulse."

Anna nodded. "I know. I know. But what if he really does like her? When you're drunk. You tend do things that you think while sober, but wouldn't do." Slow tears trickled down her face, wetting her pajama shorts.

From her bed, I saw Bella sit up, flashing me a worried look.

I gave her a quick I-got-this thumbs up, and she laid back down, turning a bit before getting comfortable.

"Anna. Relax. I know for a fact Michael still loves you. He's just angry."

Anna looked up at me with an expression so pained, it hurt my heart. "But-but what if he doesn't?"

She sounded like a child, a sad, broken child.

It honestly hurt to see her like this.To know I wasn't able to help her.

"Oh Anna...I'll help as much as I can I promise."

"I hate promises." She cried. "Michael promised he would never leave me!"

I closed my eyes, her words sounding familiar to my own when I lost my dad.


"I promise I'll stay by you. I'll never leave you with that bitch." My brother said, tightly holding on to my shoulders.

"Are you sure?" I asked. "I hate promises. Dad promised he wouldn't leave me. But he did."

My brother closed his eyes. "Well I won't." He firmly said.

What a liar.


"Well I won't break this one." I replied, my voice shaking as I pulled her into another hug. "I won't do that you, because I know how it feels."

Anna let out a broken sounding sob, that only sounded worse with her still irritated throat.

At that exact moment, Bell burst into the room, a smile set on her lips and a blush evident on her cheeks.

"Hey guys." She dreamily said. "Roman-he took me out and it was amazing and he gave me-"

She noticed the crying Anna in my arms.

"Help me." I mouthed.

She bounced over, tapping Anna on the shoulder and sitting down.

"It's alright. I don't know what the hell happened, but I'll kill whoever caused it."

Anna smiled, but it didn't quite seem real.

I mean, she still had tears rolling down her face.

"Who was it Anna? What happened?" Bell asked, worried.

Anna made no move to reply as she let another sob escape her lips.

"Carson what happened?" Bell asked, pointedly staring at me.

I grimaced. "She should tell you."

"C'mon Anna. Please?"

Anna sighed, wiping furiously at her cheeks. "It- it was.."

Sam flew in the open door. "Anna!" She cried out breathlessly. "Anna please!"

Anna's head flew up, eyes wide- and afraid.

Bell and I stared at Sam, me glaring, and bell just plain confused.

Anna continued.

"It-it was her."

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