Chapter 101

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Bending down, I re-tied my black combat boots.

"Come on Carson!" Bell exclaimed, fixing her navy blue flats. "Let's go!"

"Yeah yeah. Hold on." I waved her off.

She rolled her eyes, turning to talk to Ashton.


I haven't thought about being with him in ages, but he looks fine without me.

Standing, I pushed my friends forward.

"Come on gang! Let's go have some fun!" I exclaimed in a high voice.

"Shut up." Someone, I think Michael, groaned.

"That was not nice." I said, glaring at him.

He shrugged, looking away, cracking a slight smile.

We showed the security guard our fake ID's, and we took a few pictures. (His

daughter was fan) which I thought was cute.

As soon as I entered the club, I was whisked away to dance with Calum.

"Calum!" I whined. "I want a drink!"

"Fine...then we'll dance?"

I winked at him. "Maybe...."

"Just go!" He exclaimed, cheeks red as he pushed me forward.

We sat down next to Niall and Luke, who gave us waves then returned

to their conversation.

Although, I noticed Luke's jaw tighten as he saw Calum's arm around my waist.

I squirmed a little, and he loosened his grip.

"Can we have Four shots please? He said the bartender, who nodded and

hurried to get us our drinks.

"Four?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Calum laughed. "Two for you, and two for me. So we don't have to ask again."

I nodded, looking around the bar as we waited.

I saw Anna and Michael talking at the other end of the bar.

Bell was with Ashton and Liam, talking at a booth and drinking.

And Sam was with Louis, Harry, and Zayn.

Why was she with Harry?

Making a move on him already?

For a second, I felt jealousy rise inside me,

But I had to remind myself.

I was no longer his,

And he was no longer mine.


"Here's your shots!" The bartender shakily said. "Enjoy."

And he hurried off again, and I smiled.

"Together?" I asked Calum.

He beamed. "Together."

I raised the glass up to my mouth, tipping my head back as I drank.

It burned my throat at first,

But left a warm feeling.

"Again?" Calum asked.

I nodded.

I drank it quicker this time, the burning sensation not as strong and powerful.

It still left a warm feeling inside me, yet my head was not yet buzzing.

"Two more." I bluntly exclaimed. "Then we'll dance."

Calum nodded, already ordering.

I leaned onto him, my eyes flickering back and forth from me friends as I watched

them with a goofy smile.

Have you ever gotten that feeling?

Where you, get this warm feeling in your heart, and you know,

This is how life should be?

This is what I should be doing? a great feeling?


I haven't either.

But what I was feeling now was pretty damn close.

"Carson." Calum's raspy voice snapped me out of thoughts, and back to the

pounding music of the club.

Quickly, I downed the two glasses in less then 30 seconds.

"Damn." I slurred. "That was good."

Calum nodded, pulling me in closer. "Let's go dance..yeah?"

His hot breath tickled my ear, sending a chill down my spine.

I nodded, taking his hand and leading him to the dance floor.

I could feel Luke watching us.

And I could sense his jealousy.



"Hey guys. I got us some more drinks..." I said, handing Zayn, Liam, and Harry each one.

They nodded, thanking me.

I smiled at them. " has the tour been so far?" I asked, trying not to sound boring.

"Really, really amazing." Liam replied, looking at the other guys.

"Yeah. The fans have been wonderful." Harry added.

I nodded, looking around the club.

My eyes met Carson's for a spilt second, and then her eyes flickered away.

Why was she staring at us?

At me?



I watched Calum and Carson dance, which was mostly just them swaying next

to each other while talking.

It still made me jealous.

Niall could tell, because he kept making jokes about it.

"Is little Luke jealous?" He cooed, in a voice you would talk to babies with.

I pouted, pondering how I should answer.

No." I snapped.

"I think he is!"

"I am not!"

"Don't be a liar now."

"I'm not that jealous..." I sighed, "is it obvious?"

"You practically have it written across your face."

"Oh." I looked away from Carson's and Calum.

I sighed, even though I wasn't looking, I could still see them.

The image was burned into my mind, of Calum holding Carson close as the

swayed and whispered to each other.

Smiling a little, I let out a sigh.

Tonight was going to be a fun night, and they weren't going to ruin it for me.

"I need another drink."

"That a boy!" Niall laughed, then ordered our drinks.

Once our drinks arrived, I gulped it all down.

My mind already felt fuzzy, a warm, comforting feeling passing through me.

Standing up, I told Niall I would be right back.

I was lying, of course.

I was about to do something extremely stupid.

At least it will be a night to remember,


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