Chapter 100

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Carson lay asleep in my arms, and I smiled down at her.

She looked unharmed, she looked innocent.

Her eyes flitted open. "Are we there yet?" She asked, voice hoarse.

"Almost." I replied, seeing our hotel in the distance.

"Should I tell them?" Carson wondered aloud.

"If you want." I replied.

She looked up at me wide eyes, then blushed.

"I didn't mean to say that." She buried her head into my neck, wrapping her

arms around me tighter.

I could feel her tears, and she let out a slight sob.

"I'm so sorry Niall. I dragged you into this...I dragged you all into this. I'm a mess."

"No your not." I said, putting her down as we approached the steps of our hotel.

She limped forward, looking back at me.

"Yes I am."



I practically collapsed on the floor as I got in our room.

Calum had to jumped forward and catch me.

I gave him a weak smile.

"Carson." Anna's voice cracked as she covered her mouth. "Who the hell did this to you?"

I gave her a dark look. "My family."

"They beat you?" Liam asked, all the color draining from his face.

I looked away. "Yeah."

"Was it the first time?" Zayn asked.

I shrugged.

"How could you-" Liam's voice cut off.

I gave them all a look.

"One day guys." I mumbled. "One day I'll tell you everything. But for now, I can't."

They gave me somber looks, and I could see pity in their eyes.

"It was just my family being my family." I explained. "Their freaks, their messes."

No one said a word as I detached myself from Calum.

"Just like me."


I was alone in the lobby, shaking everytime the door opened up.

How did they find me?

How did they know?

Why did they care?

My family...was back.

And that was worse than any nightmare I have ever had.



"Niall?" I asked. "What happened?"

He looked up at me with tearful eyes.

He shifted uncomfortably, looking away.

"I don't think I can say." He whispered. He looked scarred, like something horrible


Maybe he saw...

"They were hurting her!" He cried. "And I couldn't do anything!"

"But Niall." Sam interjected. "You saved her... For a little while at least."

I sent her a look, and Niall's hand shook as he stood in front of her.

"She seemed so used to it.." Niall's eyes were clouded, his lower lip trembled.

I knew if we pushed him further he might freak out, so I told him to go to bed.

He left, and we all sat in silence.

"How could someone...just do that?" Ashton asked.

"I feel horrible. We all should have helped her more..." Michael looked down.

"We tried." Bell reminded us.

"Not hard enough." Michael spat, standing up. "I'm going to go talk to her."

"Michael I don't think-" Louis began,

But Michael had already left.



"Carson. You can't sit there forever." Michael's voice rung out in the silent lobby.

I slowly turned to look at him. "I know."

"Why don't you come upstairs?" He held out his hand.

I looked at it, as if he was ridiculous.

"I can't stand them looking at me like that."

"Don't let them then. Show them you don't care...that your fine now."

I looked up at him, forcing a smile on. "Okay...but I'm not fine."

He pulled me into a hug. "We'll protect you... I promise."

"Thank you Mikey." I said, placing a gentle kiss on his cheek.

He looked at me with pained eyes, but before I could say anything he pulled me forward and to the



Our floor came all too soon, and Michael had to pull me off the elevator.

"Come on Car." He grumbled.


"No. We need to go now or they'll be worried."


I tried to cross my arms but it was difficult with him carrying me.

He unlocked the door, then kicked it open, but we were off balance

and were sent tumbled inside.

"Hello our gymnasts!" Bell joked.

I peeled myself of the ground, and staggered forward, the world spinning.

"Shut up." I moaned.

They laughed, and I sent them glares.

"Let's do something." Michael chided, pooping up next to me.

I nodded in agreement, smirking.

They exchanged nervous glances as I proclaimed what we were going to do.

"Let's go out."


Every quickly bustled about, but Anna, Sam, Bell, and I were busy getting ready.

I out on a white bando(strapless bra), a white lace long sleeve, and high waisted

blue frayed shorts, with a black belt. (Picture at top.) I put on black eyeliner and mascara,

And curled the ends of my hair in loose curls. I out on a small silver necklace with a bird

With it's wing spread out on it, one I got from my dad.

Anna had on the same thing, but instead a white lace, she had black, Bell had navy blue lace,

And Sam had maroon.

I put on black converse, and we were ready to go.

"Come on boys!" I called out.

"Let's go have some fun for once!"

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