Chapter 102

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"You dance hot." Calum laughed.

My cheeks warmed,

Or maybe they warm the whole time. I was dancing and it was really hot in here...

Whatever you know what I meant, right?


"Dude!" I heard someone say, then whoever said it shoving Calum back.

"That's my pick up line!"

"Luke?" I exclaimed, spinning around to face him.

He gave me a toothy grin, winking. "What's up?"

"Are you drunk?" I asked.

"Are you?" He remarked, giving me a smirk.

"As a matter of fact, not yet." I sternly said.

"We just might have to change that."

I smiled, holding out my hand, which he graciously accepted.

"Come one now, don't be shy." He said as started to walk to the bar.

"Carson?" I heard Calum whimper from behind me.

I looked back at him.

He stood there, almost smaller, as if we had hurt him.

His eyes were wide,and sad. He looked confused, like he didn't know what

had just happened.

He looked like a sad, heart broken puppy.

"Aww. come on Calum." I motioned from him to come over.

He darted over to us, Relieved.

"No." Luke said, suddenly stopping.

I slammed into him, my nose hitting his shoulder blade.

"Ow!" I yelped, teetering back.

Calum held me upright, but I was to busy rubbing my nose as it throbbed.

"No." Luke repeated.

"What the hell do you even mean?" I groaned.

"No!" He exclaimed.


"NO!" He yelled, and I backed away as he faced us.

Eyes darkening, Luke narrowed his eyes at Calum.

"It's me...or him."



A sudden churning feeling in my stomach, I felt as if I was going to throw up.

Maybe it was the two drinks I had just drank.

But I suddenly felt tired, and my throat hurt.

My breath was hard to catch, as I stood, wobbling.

"Anna?" Michael asked, concerned.

And surprisingly, he was sober still.

"Yeah." I wheezed, suddenly panicked.

"No." I added, coughing.

I fell into him, not meaning to be dramatic at all.

I shut my eyes, my head spinning.

"Anna?" I heard multiple voices.

"Anna?!? WHATS WRONG? Anna wake up!"

Someone was shaking me, pleading for me to wake up and be alright,

But I couldn't force myself to open my eyes,

And escape from the darkness creeping in on me.

Until finally, I felt as if I was floating.

The darkness was all i could see now,

It felt relaxing.

You know,

Before the pain set in.



My eyes wondered around the club before settling on Anna and Michael.

Anna, who was currently bent over coughing, and Michael was standing helplessly

next to her, eyes pleading for someone to help him.

Grabbing Liam and Ashton, I headed over to them, just as Anna collapsed.

"Anna!" Michael pleaded.

Everything was in slow motion as I watched it unfold.

Anna's eyes roll back into her head,

As he went limp in his arms.

And then,

The panic.

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