Chapter 114

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The morning of the show, I'm woken up at 10 o'clock on the dot, by an all too cheery Bell.

"Get up lazy ass! Get up!" She squeaks. "We're going to get our dresses for tonight!"

"Yay!" I dryly say. "Now move before I slap you."

She rolls her eyes and moves aside as I climb out of bed and stretch my back.

"Someone's not a morning person." Anna says to Bell.

I shoot both of them glares, and they both smile and turn away.

Pulling on a blue flannel and black jeans, I slip on my black converse and run my fingers through my hair.

"Let's go." I state, grabbing my keys and cellphone.

"Breakfast?" Sam says, walking over to me. "Aren't you hungry?"

"I always am." I reply in a neutral tone. "Bell over there made it seem so urgent to leave."

We all turn to look at Bell, who blushes and gives a weak wave before turning back to Anna.

Rolling my eyes, I turn back to sam. "Let's get some food and get out of here, I just want to get those stupid dresses over with."


Breakfast was over all to soon, and before I knew it I was standing in front of our styling room.

"If we having matching dresses..." I growl.

"It will be cute," Bella says, shooting me a glare. "And you better cut that attitude."

"Oh, sorry Mum." I roll my eyes and push the door open, only to freeze as I see the dresses.

Five dresses are in a row, our names above the one we are wearing. Sam, Bell, and Bella all run to them, meanwhile Anna bumps into me.

I give her an irritated glance and turn my eyes back to the dresses.

"What wrong?" She asks quietly. "Is it your family?"

"No. well-yes," Anna raises her eyebrow. "Nothing. Never mind. It', never mind."

She shrugs. "Suit yourself." She walks over to her dress, which is a sky blue, and I sigh and follow.

My dress is a dark navy blue, bells is a light seafoam, Sam's is a pale pink, and Bella's is white. They are all floor length and I'm bound to trip at least once. (Picture at the top)

The shoes we will be wearing are next to them, mine are strapless navy blue 3 inch heels.

Our shoes are the same too, but color coordinated with our dresses.

"So far," I groan. "So bad."

"Oh lighten up." Sam laughs, running her hand down the gauzy dress. "You might like it."

"But I might not." I added, and pick up one of the gauzy layers. I have to admit, the dresses were pretty. And they may look kind of similar, but I would have to deal with it.

"Stop whining Carson. I don't get why this is so bad for you." Bell smiles at her dress.

I sigh. "Yeah, whatever. Let's just start to get ready."


In the next 3 hours we have been cleaned,my aught how to and how to not act, walking-in-heels lessons, nails painted to match our dress color, and gotten clutches to hold our phone and money.

My clutch was a simple gray that went with my navy, Anna and Sam got the same on as me, and Bella and Bell both got black ones.

"Okay girls. Time to get dresses on and hair done." My and Anna's stylist says.

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