Chapter 27

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People are everywhere.

I didn't even know half of these people, and I probably never would.

I squeezed through the clumps of dancing drunk people.

"Luke!" I called. "Luke where are you?"

I went outside, sitting on the hammock. I let out a sigh as I spotted Sam and Calum.

And another sigh as I saw Anna and Ashton. They were really hitting it off.

And that bothered me.

It bugged me to no end.

Every time I glance at them, my jealousy bubbles up even more.

Do I even like Ashton?



I push myself through the swaying bodies, heading outside.

I see Carson, alone, and know it's my chance.

She has this depressed look in her eyes, one that was similar to mine a few days ago.

I stride over to her, and sit down next to her.

Her eyes are now closed, her chin on her hand.

I let out a small laugh. "Carson?"

She jumps, her eyes flickering open.

"Luke!" She exclaims, and throws her arms around me.

Is she drunk?

She gives me a sheepish grin. "Sorry. I'm just so bored."

"Well, now we can have some fun, yeah?"

She grins. "Yeah."

I pull her up, and inside.

And for once, she doesn't argue.

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