Chapter 59

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We see the boys off.

I give all of them tight hugs, and simple "I'll miss you, and see you soon."

I couldn't look Luke in the same light.

Knowing what he did, my heart doesn't feel right.

My heads been tripping all night, I need another Point Of View.

I caught him with a girl named Morgan yesterday.

As their car pulls away, I feel something snap inside me as I wave.

When the car is out of our sight, I drop to my knees.

My arms clutch my sides, and My body racked with sobs.

Sam, Bell, and Anna rush to my side, and Sam yanks me up.

"Get a hold of yourself!" She yells.

I pout, a slight whimper escaping me.

She frowns. "Now. We have two weeks till we see them."

I give a confused look.

They all give me a creepy grin.

"Are you ready to change someone's mind?"



Two weeks till I see her again.

Two weeks to rid myself of my mistakes.

A weak smile is forced upon my face.

Michael nudges me. "Dude. You're creeping me out."

My eyes flicker over. "Sorry." I say, blinking a couple of times.

I still feel like Carson has some control over me, like I'm her Voodoo Doll.

I've said this plenty of times, but it's true.

When she caught me kissing Morgan, I remember what I was thinking.

How much better Carson was.

Carson was the best thing I've ever had.

And I let her go.

As the car keeps zooming on, putting more and more distance between me and the girl I love, I realize something.

I have to get her back.

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