Chapter 23

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I lay on my back in the grass, staring up at the stars, blocking out all thoughts of her.

And then I hear her.

At first, I don't believe it.

My mind is playing tricks on me.

But then I hear it again.

The frantic calling of my name, coming from the one and only, Carson.

"Luke!" I hear her scream. "Luke please!"

I push myself up onto my elbows as I see a dark shape running towards me.


Ashton and I walk down the dirt path, calling Luke's name.

"What happened with Luke?" I asked him, a shiver running down my spine.

Ashton shrugged. "He yelled at me, I said something's back, and he pushed me in the water and ran off."

"Oh." I was at loss for words.

I just didn't know what to say.

"Luke!" I called out, cupping my hands around my mouth to make myself louder.

Ashton stared at me, and stopped walking.

I also stopped. "What?" I asked, my lower lip starting to tremble.

He kept staring at me. "What?!?"

I felt like he could see inside me, knowing secrets and feelings I didn't even know about.

My eyes watered, and I was close to crying.

But why?

And suddenly, I burst into tears. "What if we never find him?!?" I wailed.

Ashton intertwined our hands. "We will."

I sniffled. "But what if we don't?I was so lucky when Calum found me-I didn't know my way back. He probably

doesn't either."

Ashton put his arm around me. "Cal was really determined. I don't know why, but he was. Now we have to be

determined to find Luke."

Suddenly, I saw something. In the grass, at least a 1/2 a mile away.

Something that looked like a body.

A tall, lanky one.


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