Chapter 84

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Michael's lower lip trembled, and he knit his hands together.

"She was my first girlfriend." He restarted. "She was really popular, but most of her friends

were boys. She was beautiful, so I could understand. Then one day, her brothers and their friend

were all killed in a car accident. She snapped. She broke away."

Michael voice quavered, but he continued.

"And then her mom committed suicide. I'll never forget the broken face she always had on.

So one day, about two months after the car crash, I walked up to her. She was crying, and I asked

if she wanted to talk about it over dinner. And she did."

He had a slight smile on his face at the fond memory.

"Keep going." Ashton prompted.

"And we kissed that night. And we kept going out, and being together, and the broken look

was finally starting to disappear. But I started to noticed something. Slight bruises on her neck,

wrist, stomach. Her dad had been abusing her. He was a drunk. A family ripped apart by sadness,

Inside and out."

A dead silence settled over the room, no one was smiling anymore. Not even Ashton.

Tears dripped down Mikey's face as he continued.

"I started to practice with the boys more, spending less and less time with Syd. She grew distant

she was depressed. She was mess. She caved in on herself, because everyone she loved left

her behind in some way."

I think I already knew what happened.

"So she left to. She wasn't going to be left in the dust...I remember the day she told me she

was leaving...I remember the makeup running down her face."

His voice broke.

"She left me a note I still have to this day. She said she loved me, but I was a bastard for ignoring

her when she needed me. And it was true." He sobbed. "I'm an idiot. I'm a loser...I didn't deserve

her, and she deserved someone so much better!"

He let out a wail, hiding his face.

Anna's eyes were watery as she furiously wiped at them.

As I looked at the broken boy in front of me...I felt my heart snap.

I knew exactly how he was feeling.

And then Michael looked up, sullen cheeks and blood shot eyes.

"And you two..."

I felt my heart race in my chest, and Anna tensed next to me.

"You two are exactly like her."

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