Chapter 79

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"Honey, it'll be fine!" My dad encourages, holding the back of my bike.

My lower lip quivered. "B-but..."

"You'll be the only girl in year 1 that can't ride a bike!" My brother stated.

My dad gave my brother such a glare, he shut up.


I let out a shaky breath. "Okay dad. Let me go!"

My dad printed. "That's my girl."

I beamed, proud I made him proud.

"3...2...1!" My dad pushed me off as I started to pedal.

Don't lean. I reminded myself. "Don't pedal to slow.." I murmured.

"Yes Carson!" My brother cheered, pumping his fist.

My dad let out a whoop, and I smiled, turning back to glance at them...

Only to crash into the curb.I flipped off my bike, landing hard on my bottom.

Tears sprung into my eyes, but I forced a smile on my face.

We only got to have moment like these every once in a while, and I couldn't ruin them.

"Sweetie, are you alright?"

"She's fine." My brother waved me off.

I pushed myself up, a small cut on my knee, a bruise already starting to form on my hand.

My dad swung me into a giant bear hug, and I let out a slight squeal.

And then the car pulled up.

My fathers look darkened, and he quickly put my down, grabbing my hand.

"Carson." My brother quickly came over leading me inside. "Let's go play a game."

"But my bike!"

"We'll get it later."

He slammed the door shut behind us.

"What about dad?"

He didn't respond.


Shuddering, I blinked the tears out of my eyes as I escaped my horrible daydream.

I miss you Dad. And I'm so sorry.

"Carson?" Luke asked, alarmed. "Are you okay?"

I gave him a light smile.

Lie. Lie. Lie to him.

"No." I said through gritted teeth, a look of surprise appearing on everyone's faces. "I'm really not

fine at all."



I gave Louis a curious look. "Why do you even care in the first place?"

"I'm bored. Your pretty, your sad, and I want to help."

I rolled my eyes. "How generous of you."

"I'm sorry...that came out wrong."

"It's okay, I knew what you meant."

He gave me a slight smile/smirk, and it was cute.

"It's a long story."

"I know. And I said I'm willing to listen. We have an hour."

I let out a sigh.

Was I really going to tell him everything?



Bell stared outside the window.

"Niall where the frick are we?" She sighed.

I gave her a smirk. "An Irish pub."

She laughed. "How classy."

"That's just how I am."

"Uh huh." She rolled her eyes.

We sat in silence for a moment.

"Is a date?" She asked, cheeks pink, playing with her bracelets.

I smiled at her.

"If you want it to be."



I'm so cheesy.

I know.

Anna seemed to like it, even with her sarcastic comments.

I just...

I wanted to her impress her.

I let one amazing girl go.

And It wasn't going to let it happen again.


"Michael." Anna's voice was light and airy, she sounded happy. "We have 20 minutes."

"Crap." I sighed, looking down at the peaceful water. "I want this to last forever."

She smiled. "So do I."

And her phone rung.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Come home? Yeah we're coming."

She put it on speaker.

"Come quick."

I identified the voice as Calum.

"It's Carson."

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