Chapter 39

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The water is cool.

It's refreshing.

Calum pulls me close, hands around my waist.

It feels natural, and I don't mind it.

I rest my chin on his shoulder, and I hear Sam "aw" in the background.

"Be right back." I say, giving him a smile. He nods, and swims over to Michael.

I noticed bell floating on her back, alone, and poke her side.

"You okay?" I ask her.

"I'm fine." She snaps, sniffling.

I can't help but feel hurt.

"I just wanted to check." I gentley said, putting my hands up.

"Well, I said I'm fine. You can leave now." She snarls, and disappears under the water.

What happened?


I watch Carson swim from person to person, greeting them each with such joy I envy them.

I decide to make up for it. I swim over to her, tapping her gently on the shoulder.

She turns around with a smile that disappears as soon as she see's me.

My heart drops. She must be really angry.

"Carson." Tears fill my eyes. "I'm so so sorry. I shouldn't have-"

She wraps me in a hug, softly sobbing.

"I love you Ash. Your the best friend I could ever have. I'm sorry."

Her words make my heart jump.

I hug her harder.

"I love you too Carson."

But I mean it a real way. Not the friendly way she said it.

She gives me a smile before she swims over to Calum, who swings her around.

There's on,y one word to describe how I feel right now.


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