Chapter 26

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The house is empty.


No one is here.

Just as I start to feel better...

I'm going to be pulled back down again.

"Luke?" I hear a tiny voice whisper.

I tune around to see Sam.

She gives me a slight grin, her blue eyes wide.

"Hi." I reply, quite timidly.

It feels weird to be talking to another girl that isn't Carson.

Even though Carson is no where to be seen, I can feel her watching.

I can still feel her touch, even thoughts she's far away from me.



Michael pulls me outside, and we sit underneath the weeping willow.

"What?" I say irritably.

"I think Luke is depressed." He whispers, as if someone could hear him.

"Well no duh! He's been so out of it lately, I'm worried." I snap.

"I also think he likes you." Michael quickly said, not meeting my eyes.

I snickered. "Yeah right. And I'm married to One Direction." I spit, standing up.

And I leave Michael there, alone.

It's then do I feel worse than ever before.



I talk to Anna for the whole day, and she seems nice.

The house is practically empty, and I can't wait for the party tonight.

I can finally talk to Carson, maybe even make a move.

We'll just have to see.

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