Chapter 91

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The screaming was overwhelming.

I stuck my head out, as I looked at the crowd, I saw multiple signs with my name on it.

As people saw me, the screams got louder.

Someone yanked me back inside, and I fell backwards on them.

"Carson!" Calum whined from underneath me.

"What my little kiwi?" I cooed.

He shoved me off him with a grunt. "Shut up."

"Sorry. I forgot. Your Asian."

He growled, tackling me and tickling me.

"Cal-Calum!" I laughed, trying to smack his hands away.

"Calum? What are you doing to my girlfriend?" I hear someone laugh from next to us.

Calum kept off me, and I could finally breathe.

Harry helped me up, and started to fake cry into his shoulder.

"He was tickling me Haz!"

I felt Harry relax against me. "Calum..." Harry said in a stern voice as he tried not to laugh.

"CALUM!" I heard Luke shout.

Well, this is new.

Luke rounded the corner.

I haven't seen him for the past day and a half...

And he looks like shit.

Sullen cheeks, bags evident under his eyes, frown set on his face.

His hair drooped into his sad, dull eyes.

"Cal we're on in 5."

Calum nodded, waved me and Harry a goodbye, and left with Luke.

I turned to Harry, kissing him lightly.

"Are you nervous?" I asked him.

"Hell yeah. This is my first time performing in front of you."

"How do you know? Maybe I went to the UAN tour." ( UAN= Up All Night)

Harry's face dropped. "Did you?"

I laughed. "Naw. Just messing with ya. I wanted to though."

He blushed, giving me a slight hug. "I have to go get ready babe. See you later."

"See you."

He sweetly kissed me, ruffled my hair, and left.

I smiled as he walked away, but Luke's sad face kept appearing in my mind.

I grimaced.

Had I done that to him?


I watched as the boys sung Try Hard, the crowd singing back.

I felt proud of them.

Anna and bell stood next to me, Sam next to Anna.

"Yeah Mikey!" Anna cheered.

Bell, Sam and I cheered and clapped along too...

But we had no one to clap for.

And then,

One Direction came out.

The fans were nuts.

Crazed, as I would like to say.

I hummed along to some of their songs.

One of my favorite songs they performed was Little things.

I started to sing as Louis began, my emotions getting the best of me.

You can't go to bed, without a cup of tea

And maybe that's the reason that you talk in your sleep

And all those conversations of the secrets that I keep

Though it makes no sense to me

I opened my eyes,'which were closed, to watch Harry sing.

He turned and looked at me, smiling as he sung.

And he winked.

That cheeky little boy.

He was singing the chorus, one of the main reasons I loved this song.

I won't let these little things,

slip out of my mouth

But if it's true

It's you

Oh it's you

They add up to

And I'm in love with you

And all these little things

It told girls their imperfections were perfect to some people, and that they shouldn't care,

Because they had people that loved them.

It made me almost believe that was the truth.

Tears welled up in my eyes as Niall was singing, and I turned away.

I felt Bell try to grab my arm, but I pushed her away.

Everything seemed slow, as I ran away, the music fading behind me.

I heard someone running after me, and they called my name.

"Carson!" They pleaded. "Wait!"


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