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Azula's POV

It's hard to believe that this is happening, I'm going back to the academy and my life is so much better, I have more friends then I could ever want, I'm on okay terms with my brother, I'm opening dating Ty Lee and Mai won't at all double cross me. Everything seems too good to be true, like I'm having a dream and sooner or later I'm going to wake up, but the scary part is, I don't know when. "'Zula!", Ty Lee beamed and hugged me from behind, "Ty Lee??", I jumped and sighed pushing her off me, I love the girl don't get me wrong, but we don't have to be so lovey dovey in public, I don't want people knowing I'm soft or anything.

"Sooo I did something", she grinned walking with me, "and that is?", I kept looking forward as we walked. "Invited the group to go to the water park for your birthday! Surprise!", she giggled and opened the doors to the student council room for me. "You what?", I raised a brow and walked over to my desk, putting my bag on the table, "come on be a little excited babe", Ty Lee sat on the table and smiled at me as she crossed her legs, damn her and her overwhelming cuteness. "Thank you, I am grateful really, it's just that Zuko getting everything handed to him from my father where as my hard work is nothing to him, it's biting at me, I feel worthless", I looked down, this was it, my crash and burn moment, I'm waking up, sure I have friends, but making friends isn't hard, pleasing my father on the other hand is, and I've failed.

"Honey, I'm so sorry, hopefully this trip tonight will help you take your mind off it, I'll wear that bathing suit you like", Ty Lee cupped my cheek, making me look at her, she's not only cute, but incredibly hot and I'm tempted to do a lot of things to her right here and now, but I can control those urges for this second. "That'll be a late birthday gift in itself, thank you for helping me and organising something for my birthday, even though it's going to a urine filled bacteria pool but still it means a lot", I kissed her hand. "Sure, see you later then, don't let that head of yours wear you down, you're the most beautiful and perfect girl in the world, don't get jealous over scar face, have a good day my love!", she kissed my cheek and picked up her bag walking out the door.

She's right I am, but she isn't too far behind me on the most beautiful and perfect list that's for damn sure.

Katara's POV

"This water park is going to be fun huh?", Aang smiled as he read a leaflet of the water park as we walked to school, "it's not amazing but it's good fun alright", Sokka shrugged putting his hands behind his head comfortably. I was quite, I was too busy thinking about Bumi, I'm going to school today and he's spending the whole day without me there, his own mum, I hope he doesn't think that I've abandoned him and that I will never come back, I bet he's crying his little eyes out right now. "I don't miss it much, do you miss it Katara?", Sokka turned to me, "I miss him with all my heart my poor boy, I bet he missed me too", I sighed. "Uhh no Katara I'm asking about the water park? You all there?", Sokka raised a brow, "it's Bumi, she's struggling already", Aang whispered into Sokka's ear, but loud enough for me to hear it.

"Oh I see, well don't sweat it, he doesn't need you any more, he's a baby bird who's old enough to fly, mumma bird doesn't need to be around", Sokka wrapped an arm around my shoulders, "but what if baby bird can't actually fly yet? and falls? and mumma bird isn't there to catch him? What happens then Sokka bird!? I mean Sokka", I frowned. "Katara, Bumi will be okay back at home, he's not alone remember? He's safe, he's warm, and someone's there to protect him, I wouldn't be this calm if I didn't know that now would I?", Aang stopped me and looked into my eyes as he spoke. "Yeah, you're right, he's safe", I repeated and felt Aang kiss my head, bringing a smile to my face, "cool, now tell me about this water park some more", he waved the leaflet in my face.

"I forgot you haven't heard of a water park before, it's just a lot of water, slides, pools, more slides and more pools", I shrugged and walked up the stairs to school with them both. "Sounds amazing! Hey guys did you know water parks have slides and pools!?", Aang ran over to Toph and Suki who were next to the lockers. "Morning babe", Zuko stood beside Sokka and handed him a takeaway tea that he gets for him every morning, "thanks Zuko", Sokka smiled and gave him a quick peck on the lips. "Aang's happy about the water park trip I see, that boy gets way too over excited", Zuko sighed as we watched him read through the whole leaflet. "That's my boy, my over excited boy", I chuckled and shook my head.

Suki's POV

"Who's going tonight?", I asked as the others walked over, "all of us I think, though I think Mai invited Jet and Yue was invited too though her father probably won't let her come", Sokka shrugged. "Jet's coming? Great that's all we need", Aang's mood changed, he stood up straight with a frown on his face, "we don't know if he's coming yet", Katara put a hand on his back supportively. "I'm sure Yue will come if I ask", I smiled, "oh yeah because you've got Yue wrapped around your finger", Toph pushed me playfully. "I have not!", I blushed, thankfully Toph can't see it to further make fun of me.

The bell rang, "we better head to class", Zuko checked his watch, "so you'll ask Yue after school?", Sokka looked back at me, "sure", I nodded and walked with them to class, Jet was already in his seat, he was early, that's not Jet, it must be an imposter or something. "What're you doing here early?", I asked sitting down on the desk beside him, "I don't know, feel like making a change", he shrugged and got his books out and looked up as Katara walked into the room, his eyes followed her as she sat down. "You don't have a think for Katara do you?", I whispered, "no, I don't, don't spread rumours, because it's a lie, I don't okay, so drop it", he blushed and looked down at his book.

Aang walked in, his body language tense as he saw Jet, "you coming to the water park?", he asked standing in front of Jet's desk. "There isn't anyone to stop me is there?", Jet looked up at him raising a brow, "no, but there's someone who's going to make sure you're in a world of pain if you mess up", Aang frowned. "Let's see about that huh pipsqueak?", Jet stood up in anger, "you dare stand up to me after my threats?", Aang pushed the table aside. "Aang!", Katara looked up at them both in fear, fear that they would fight, that either of them could get hurt.

"You do anything, I'll rip off your head", Aang kept eye contact with him, "walk away", Jet watched him step back and moved his desk back, sitting back down, Aang quickly moved and grabbed Jet by the hairs on the back of his neck pulling his head back. "Don't take my warnings lightly", he slammed his head on the desk and let go walking to his seat, Jet groaned in pain and rested his head on the table. He shouldn't have pushed him, but at the same time I feel bad for the guy, and when I looked back at Katara she felt the same, I could see by the look in her eyes. I tapped Jet on the shoulder and held out some aspirin, "for your head", I shrugged, he took it without saying a word, keeping his head down on the desk.

"You're welcome I guess", I sighed.

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