Think about it

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Azula's POV

I stretched out in my chair, today is a good day, everything is back to normal, and I like it, "Azula", I heard a booming voice from outside the door and sat up straight. "What's going on? The first day back at school looks like a first day at the zoo, these students are like wild animals, what happened to keeping control?", Father angrily opened the door and walked to my desk with Zuko trailing behind him. "Most of the students aren't even in, they're loud, rude and are out of line. Azula I didn't make you student president so you can sit back and watch the chaos, you need to show them who's in charge", He spoke down to me, I nodded and stood up letting him sit in my chair. "I'll do that right away sir", I looked at Zuko before leaving with the girls.

"Go sort out this mess my Father just talked about, I need to know what's going on in there", I looked at the door as the girls went their separate ways. "That girl, she's better then you ever could be Zuko, you should learn from her, she's driven, smart and has a head for business, that's why when I pass I'm passing on family house to her", I smiled from behind the door I always have been father's favourite. "But because you are my son, I saw how much fire is within you in your match in spring, I'm giving you the academy", He was going to give all my hard work to Zuko? But I'm his favourite, Zuko doesn't even live with us. What is Father playing at? The doors opened.

"Azula?", Father raised a brow and looked down at me. "All taken care of sir", He nodded and walked past me. He didn't even say goodbye, I watched him go then glared at Zuko. "He's giving the academy to you?", "looks like it", Zuko shrugged and looked around my office with a smirk. "Soon with will all be mine, see you around President", Zuko looked me up and down then left. This isn't happening, it can't be happening.

Sokka's POV

The day was coming to an end, it was a good day, Katara and Aang made up, Toph and I got together, but something was still off, and it was what Zuko said to me. He still had feelings for me, this is something he'll have to work on, it's a tough thing to go through but he didn't have to tell me right after I tell him about my relationship. I kissed Toph on the cheek before she left then looked to the side noticing Mai sat outside school. "Mai? What're you still doing here?", I walked over.

"None of your business", Mai kept looking forward, she was in a good mood today I see. "Can I talk to you?", I rubbed the back of my neck nervously as I asked. "Depends, what do you want to talk about?", "Zuko", I replied. Her head turned almost instantly to what I said. "What about him?", she raised a brow and moved over so I could sit down. "I've moved on from our relationship and found myself in a new one, but he still loves me, I don't know what to do", I sat down beside her. "Why don't you know what to do?", Mai crossed her arms. "Huh?", I didn't really understand what she was getting at. "If you really loved the idea of being in this new relationship, Zuko still having feelings for you shouldn't be a problem, but your mind is going around in circles, to be honest, to me it looks like you can't get over him either, so you threw yourself into a brand new relationship to push down those feelings", Mai stood up.

"I know Zuko, and I know what he's like in love, he's got anger problems sure, but sometimes that can be pretty hot, look, just think about it, think about Zuko, see how you feel tomorrow and come back to me about it, don't go straight to Zuko because you'll end up hurting yourself or him", Mai turned and walked away, she's rude but everyone that knows Mai sees that she cares for others, even if she makes out that she hates the world and everyone in it. I took a moment then stood up, doing as she said and thinking about it as I walked home.

Aang's POV

Katara and I were just preparing dinner when we heard the door open, I looked over and saw Sokka, "hey Sokka! You okay?", I smiled and walked over, the closer I got, the more I realised Sokka didn't seem to be alright. "Yeah fine, I'll have my food later can you leave my plate on the side?", he took his jacket off and went upstairs. "Sure", I watched him walk up and raised a brow. "How was your day?", Katara yelled out from the kitchen. "He went upstairs", I smiled as I walked back in. "Oh, okay", Katara looked at me then shrugged.

We ate then cleaned everything up, Sokka still hasn't come down to eat, Katara began to get nervous. "Is he starving up there? Is this a protest? Is my food bad? Is he sick? Is he sad? Does he need a hug? Does he need more food!?", Katara paced in front of me as we stood in the kitchen. "He's okay, he'll come down to eat in a couple seconds I'm sure", I stopped her from pacing by holding her hand, there was a moment of silence before Katara spoke again. "It's been a couple seconds and he still isn't down and eating! I'm bringing it up to him", she frowned and grabbed the plate going upstairs to give it to Sokka.

She walked back down a little later, "is he alright? Did he spit your food back at you?", I smirked and crossed my arms trying to wind her up. "He seemed fine, but like not fine, if you get what I mean", Katara sighed and held her arm as she stood beside me, both of us leaning back on the kitchen counter. "I'm sure he'll be back to being Sokka tomorrow", I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and held her close. "So what is it you said about me being sweet and wonderful and that you don't give me enough attention?", I kept my smirk and looked at her. Katara's face turned red she pushed me playfully and laughed, "I wasn't expecting you to remember what I said", "of course I remember! I remember every word, and I want to remember it until my last breath, because those words mean more to me then you can ever imagine, they make me want to smile, they make me want to cry, they make me want to spend every single day by your side, you're right you know, my future is bright, it's because it has you in it, I love you Katara", I turned and held her waist, looking into her eyes as I spoke.

"I love you too Aang", Katara moved one of my hands up to her cheek to cup it and smiled looking back into my eyes, "the same goes to you y'know, I'll love you even when I have grey hair and wrinkles, there won't be a day that goes by when you aren't on my mind and in my heart", "c'mere you", I pulled her in by her waist forgetting the bump. "Careful", Katara chuckled and rested her head on my shoulder moving my hands on to her stomach.

"I've just gotten used to us being together, how am I going to get used to the three of us? Aang, we need to get ready for this, I feel like we don't know enough, like we aren't prepared, I need to read some books", Katara sighed, "books?? Katara we need more then books we need some sort of midwife, we need to have a check up, we need a crib, clothes, everything", I began to panic, we've focused on ourselves and forgot that we need to prepare for the baby. "How long have we got the get all that stuff sorted?", I asked.

"Aang, we have three months..."


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