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Aang's POV

It was time for the party, we've been organising it for almost a month, a couple of us were just finishing the decorations and giving it a final touch, we rented a field for the night, we set up a celeste pole marquee earlier on, we didn't realise it would be this big, it's the first night Katara and I are going to sleep without Bumi, I'm relieved because it means it's just Katara and I, but Katara doesn't want to be without Bumi at all. "Need help?", Suki looked at me with a smile as she walked over, "oh yes please", I smiled back, she helped me hang up some more decorations. "Excited for tonight?", she asked, "very, I finally get to relax and party, not be a dad", I took a deep breath, the thought of the monks coming was on my mind though.

"Wow that looks super good!", "thank you it's taken all day to-", I turned around to see Toph and sighed. "Real funny Toph", I chuckled sat and down, "not long now until we trash the place", Suki smirked and sat down opposite me. "Am I allowed to drink this time? I feel like I really missed out at the last party", Toph pouted. "Hmm alright just because it's a celebration", Suki shrugged. "What's this about trashing the place? You better not I put a lot of effort into making sure everything perfect", Sokka smirked and stood by us. "Oh really? I thought you just sat and told me what to do all day", Zuko chuckled and walked over wrapping his arm around Sokka's shoulders. "That is what I call making sure everything is perfect because you really aren't one for being neat babe", Sokka kissed his cheek.

"Got the drinks", Mai walked into the Marquee with a crate of bottles, "uhh Mai why have you brought so much vodka?", Sokka looked over and raised a brow. "You asked for drinks", she shrugged, "yeah but you didn't need to go out and buy that much", Sokka continued. "Who said I went out to buy it, this is all mine", Mai walked out to help bring in more crates. "You'll get used to it", Zuko patted Sokka on the back whilst he stood there in awe. "Wow guys this place looks fantastic! Just like a circus tent", Ty Lee helped carry some crates in whilst looking around the marquee with pure joy. "It's average", Azula shrugged as she followed her carrying two bottles of something. "Azula you didn't bring dad's fire whiskey", Zuko frowned. "He won't notice, it's good stuff", Azula smirked, "Uncle loves the stuff", she continued.

"Your uncle is coming?", Suki asked, "yes, is that alright Aang?", I shrugged with a smile, "sure". Jet walked in and looked around with a cigarette in his mouth, "you guys put way too much effort into this", he took out his lighter. "No smoking in here, sorry Jet", I smiled awkwardly. "And don't go near the punch this time", Azula crossed her arms. "But out of curiosity what did you put in there?", Mai asked, "my own made stuff, it's a secret recipe", Jet chuckled. "Where's Katara?", Ty Lee looked at me. "She's at home, she'll be over later, has everyone got a tent to sleep in?", I asked, everyone nodded and said yes. "Okay good, I'll let everyone get ready, see you later!", I stood up and walked out but saw the monks on the field. "Dammit, they're early", I bit my lip and walked over.

"Aang! So good to see you", a monk greeted me, "great to see you too", I greeted him back, "why're you all here so early?", "well we didn't want to be late so we though it's better to be early", they laughed. "Ah okay cool, umm can I have a quick talk with you all", they nodded. "This party isn't just a random party, it's a celebration", "yes we know, and we're so excited to meet your friends and new people" they kept smiling, I was waiting for their smiles to fade, here we go. "It's for my son, you see last time you were down Katara was pregnant, and she gave birth to my son Bumi not that long ago, I'm sorry I'm a disgrace to the monks and brought dishonour upon monk Gyatso", I lowered my head in shame. "Aang, what has happened cannot be undone, as a monk it is indeed a disgrace, but as family, we couldn't be happier", I heard their words and looked back at them a smile growing on my face. "But, this means you are no longer a monk, this will be our final visit", my smile went again, but then I had an idea.

"Wait, what if I promised for my son to have the tattoos, for him to be a monk when he's older can we still stay in touch then?", I asked them I didn't really think through what I said. "I think that can work, yes, can we see the boy tonight? And it's mother?", I listened and nodded, I showed the monks where to go and left the field, walking back to the house all I could think about was what I said, it was a quick decision but I can't have them just disappear from my life, I'm sure Katara will understand.

"You what!?", Katara looked at me in shook in the mirror whilst she was putting on her make up. "I know it was a bad decision but it's done now I can't go back", "Aang you have to, I'm not letting them tattoo my boy", Katara frowned. "I've promised them, I don't go back on promises especially to the monks", I was serious when I spoke, "then I promise you that I am not making Bumi a monk", Katara sighed getting frustrated, and so was I. "Then give me another son, because I made them a promise, I'm not going back on it, I'm not losing them, make up your mind", I stormed out of the bedroom walking down the stairs. She doesn't understand, I heard small cries near by. I looked into the living room and saw Bumi in a crib, "hey Bumi", I smiled, instantly calmed down by just my sons presence. I picked him up and held him close to me, "what're we going to do huh?".

"What're we going to do..."

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